Wednesday, July 07, 2004

hols and attached

i am a total opposite in both places, M'sia and Ireland. i dunno why, is it adaptation or is it just me with multiple personality disorder :p ok i'm exaggerating.

my holidays don't seemed to be very productive (yet). i'm still considering of doing an attachment at HUKM, actually when my mum was sick the other day i got the chance to follow Mira taking history to a patient when her team was on-call that night. i realized that there are MANY differences to be considered between the way i do it there and people do it over here. it's not really HUGE, but it is important to be taking note off. one, the language. i found it funny to be thinking of translating everything i learn to Malay languange, and it fells very awkward, it really does (rasa baku and skema semacam). Mira and Pah was laughing and also PERLI me of saying those words in malay, and when i asked them how they do it, actually THEY TRANSLATE IT LIKE I WAS THINKING THEY WOULD

i learn about the character of pain: Stabbing, Crushing, Heaviness
"Can you please describe about the pain, was it a crushing pain, or a stabbing pain? Or was it more like the heaviness on the chest?"

they use it in Malay:
"Makcik rasa sakit tu macam mana? Macam mencucuk-cucuk ke? Macam kene tikam ke? Ke rasa macam kena letak batu atas dada?" :p

hehe macam main2 je bunyinya.

then one should consider about the common diseases. western people are more familiar with neoplasms (cancer), GIT related disorders are more common- maybe because of their diet, also some diseases that run in certain races etc. and here we are more to tropical diseases, dengue fever, malaria, also epidemics like TB, cholera. like the patient i saw with Mira, he had dengue fever (DF) so there are a list of spesific syptomps that one should ask upon confronting such case, and in my case, i haven't learn tropical diseases yet so i couldn't provide much, and like Mira, she'd learnt that earlier in clinical years as it is a common disease in M'sia. and when we graduate soon, i supposed she must've met with hundreds of DF patients while poor me had nil (maybe one or two).

i have few other more in mind that i thought about, such as the patients information level (how well does a patient know about his illness) and also patients feedback of his disease; i won't elaborate more on that. also the students hands-on (when can i do the venopuncture i'm not too sure myself, while my friends here have done it few times already). there are pros and cons in both situations, in Ireland and in M'sia.

so basically i'm not doing the attachment until i learn something extras from my friends in HUKM as my preparations, or else i won't be getting the benefits of doing the course, or i could be humiliating myself in front of the doctors, other students, or even the patients.


i was thinking why i didn't really have the coffee cravings here, instead i crave for teh tarik more.
and why i didn't really have the appetite to eat things i crave for when i was in Dublin.
and also why i rarely have any urge to watch TV lately, like i always used to back then.
i told u i have multiple personality disorder.