Tuesday, September 07, 2004

a bit of cracks up there


U know that sometimes when u discover something you've long waited to know about, your heart would just jump up and down knowing about it, and u can tap your heartbeats out for the whole period of time, only to find out later that there's something uneasy going on with the thing. Oh this happens to me A LOT. I guess it's some sort of compensatory system God creates for human not to always feel great about himself, when u have good things happen to u, there's always something bad going to happen afterwards to compensate the good feelings you're having at that moments.

It doesn't matter anymore. I feel a bit better now.

It was a pretty chaotic day. And I realized that I've started eating junks again nowadays. Always something fast and convenient, like potato wedges I was having for my lunch (or late-lunch which was at 5pm) today. This is the kind of food that would make me ended up having any bowel diseases someday (oh God no) unless I started eating healthy food back again.

Hm U know what, I'm gonna just be frank here coz I'm a bit mentally unstable today, I miss the "sight" I saw on the week earlier. It's the most comforting sight I've ever seen since I got back here and it's the only thing that keeps my spirit burning now, though it was just that once, yep only one occasion.

Oh I'm starting to be getting weirder and weirder for the day. Don't bother to ask, I might not remember any of these things later in the week when u remind me of them back again.

Till then