Sunday, June 17, 2007


I am getting online at the rate of a siput sedut kepenatan, luckily I'm too happy to be mad at this hour. And I'm using Yanie's TM Net username & password for the dial-up, prove of facts that I always need her in my life. He he (my old one has expired and I'm renewing it first thing in the morning)

Bangi remains the same like before I left the last time. There are some major developments around KL, the SMART tunnel which reminded me of Dublin's port tunnel that costs EUR12 per entry on peak hours (what the?), and not to forget some new Jusco (yay!). Not more than 72 hours being home I've already been to 2 new Juscos around here and I don't know why I did that. Ha ha. I missed the ISetan sale held over the weekend but I'm not too bothered about that, considering the fact that I am technically living on other people's mercy (money) now. The sibs mentioned about many new eating places too. Dear God save me.

Not more than 72 hours being home too, I have succumbed to the dark side of eating. Putting in mind about the mini holidays I'm on, the little plan was to eat in a very small amount of basically everything on the menu of a typical 2 to 3 months' holidays meal in 10 days time, just for the sake of tasting them. Not so smart! Last night I was left curled on the bed with the stomach bloated and an hourly visit to the loo. Profuse diarrhea, I wanted to trail back which one was the culprit but realized it was almost impossible to do that, the list was already too long! So the lesson was to keep moderate. Oww screw that!! I'm gonna enjoy my food to bits and I'm not giving you about that? He he..

Today is Sofea's birthday too. She has grown up so fast - at 1 year she can walk, few words with a lot of babbles, sing burung kakak tua, and she is the best kid to take care of - doesn't cry much, smiles a lot, no tantrums, sleeps easily. She has this very exotic curly hair, long limbs and resembles most like one of those Will Smith's kid. He he. I miss her burung kakak tua song already.

OK gotta sleep. My sleep-wakeful cycle is more ruined with the change of time and I'm seeing the future of no correction for that (with the work coming and all). I really need to rest for more eating spree tomorrow. Ha ha..