Thursday, June 14, 2007

life in and around

For the sake of my beloved friends in M'sia (or not in Ireland generally), I thought I probably do some updates on myself - well that's if you consider the previous posts haven't been revolving around me, me and me. I scored high on being a narcissist on a personality test if you don't know, he he.

So yep, I'm pleased to say that I've graduated on May 31st, all praises to Allah SWT. It was an exciting experience, fast but exciting. Mostly due to the fact that I've finally came to my most awaited moment, after those long torturing years of studying in med school (member lain dah beranak pinak with masters degree/PhD dah), and the rest would be just a mixture of everything; the first 2" heels (jakun), the makeovers (lagi jakun), the baling topi moment, the love and gratitudes, etc.

Didn't they say that pictures speak thousand words?

And again, my deepest thanks to all who've helped (make-up & photography) and those who came before, during and after the ceremony. You guys have certainly made the day more meaningful to me without you know it.

So what's next? Well, I got a job as an intern (that's houseman officer - HO in M'sia) for a year in the hospitals here in Dublin and I took it. I realized though how much I hated this place and how badly I wanted to go home and serve my own people, for now this is for the best when considering various of reasons I don't feel like elaborating. So friends, people, behold to embrace the new flavor full of sadness and hopefully some happiness in my blog for at least another coming year. Yep that's right, poor little me all lonely in this cold city.

As for now I have at least half of the month to enjoy my freedom. For a start I'm gonna catch my flight home in 10 hours time. I have
only about 10 days to spend at home, by far the shortest holidays I've ever been on, even my first Spanish visit took longer than that. (This is the kind of sacrifice I'm learning to swallow and it ain't easy!). My intern shadowing commences on June 25th and my official first day of work will be on July 1st. (scaryyy!!)

for now let's just think less about work and more on Naqib, Ariff & Pia, the sibs, cendol, putu mayam, roti tissue, ABC, mee goreng mamak, lai chee kang, roti john, murtabak and the likes. He he..

I'll see you when I see you.. (the ocean's way)

p/s: SSP girls, let's get together for a lunch or something!