So I finally came to the last day of work in BH. Couple of hugs and tied up some loose ends. Here we go, sayonara.
Working in a big hospital has certainly taken so much out of me, both in good and bad ways. Let me see, after 6 months the hospital has taken away 5-8 kg of my weight, gave me a pair of racoon eyes and ruined biological clock. I have certainly developed resistance against a human strain called nurses with quick antidotes of hot nice staffs, hot mostly. I came home wrecked everyday and after 6 months I've eaten all sorts of vegetarian dishes and fishes I ever did my whole life. Here's the best one to sum the daily to-do list.
Working in a big hospital has certainly taken so much out of me, both in good and bad ways. Let me see, after 6 months the hospital has taken away 5-8 kg of my weight, gave me a pair of racoon eyes and ruined biological clock. I have certainly developed resistance against a human strain called nurses with quick antidotes of hot nice staffs, hot mostly. I came home wrecked everyday and after 6 months I've eaten all sorts of vegetarian dishes and fishes I ever did my whole life. Here's the best one to sum the daily to-do list.
But to be honest it has been an exciting 6 months really. To put it simply, I was lucky I had some great things going on in the middle of the long arduous working hours, that I can actually hold in my hands as compensative measures. Things like, great boss, great teammates, research opportunities, direct learning, case and journal presentations (OK nerdy). They've been great really.
So I will miss this place for the good things, big time. Thinking back I've been here for longer than I thought. Starting the 3rd year of medical school, my bosses were the ones who once taught me and the ones I've always looked up to when I was a student. I know I'll be back for few days once in a while in future (research again), but to work here again is something still uncertain. Considering my options in future career pathway that is.
On the new year greeting card I received from my other boss it says,
"BH loss will be OLLH gain.."
He's very nice indeed.
Also with that I received another $$$ gift voucher. Looks like there's gonna be some serious new year's shopping spree going on. Ka-chingggg.....