Sunday, November 12, 2006

the end of the fatal affair

Yesterday I found out that Garfield has been playing me all these while. (Felt cheated, big time). He is multi-owned; named Ginger by the lady whose house on our left and Sofy-Pearl by the family on the right. (Who named a he-cat Sofy-Pearl anyway?).

Today I went to the newly opened Aldi not far from my place. (Now you know where a portion of my scholarship money will go every month; heavenly cheap but tempting range of products). Was walking sluggishly, until I reached the rack for catfood and subconcsiously reaching for some packs. Til Sali said, "K.Shu nak beli jugak ke catfood, kata dah merajuk ngan Garfield.." So I hesitated, halted and walked passing the area. Sincerely grateful for the housemates that stood up for me all the time.

On the way home, (the sky was murky dark today) from far I saw one charming black creature sitting on a brick gate of the row of houses on the sideway. He gave me 'that' look, that I could never resist. So I stopped, what a georgious little guy I thot (hot stuff that is). We shared a brief moment of understandings together (we could be chatting in this sense if both party speaks the same language). Then I bade him goodbye, for I didn't bring any umbrella in case it rained, the sky didn't looked promising..

It's a sign I know, maybe it's time for me to move on..

goodbye Garfield, you are no more my dark-lover (literally translated from SO7's Sephia kekasih gelapku that is)..don't come to my window ever again..