Monday, November 27, 2006

a testimony for my daddy

Not so long ago my housemate asked me, whether I've ever noticed becoming closer to my dad as I grow old. I said I prolly am. But thinking hard, I am and I'm not in many different ways depending on how I wanna put the situation in. I am coz I think I've got to discuss/talk on a lot of things/issues as my knowledge expands; i.e cars, housing and properties, medications and health; not that we always talk on those stuff that much, but yeah I'm happy that I at least would be able to chat on 'grown-up' issues with him.

On the other hand, I'm not; when thinking about the things that he used to do for me that he doesn't do much now that I'm all grown up.

I remember my siblings used to hate me so much when I used to be my father's favourite child, despite me being this fat, curly hair, and grumpy kid. I was a bit ahead in my studies so I always got him proud at the end of the year when he witnessed my prize receiving ceremony, well not that my sis/bro didn't have any. But out of my grumpiness and difficulties controlling my behaviour, he still had my photo in his purse, yep he did. (If I were my sis/bro I'd be mad too, heck yeah, they were so much cuter than I did when they were a kid, but I was cute too ok hehe). So some of the things that my dad did for me/my family, apart from the normal chores of cooking, cleaning the house, etc, that I'm now still amazed and touched thinking back would be; ironing all our formal attires on every Sunday, washed my pair of shoes and put 'kapur' on them till they shine under the sunlight, and when I was in boarding school I never had to worry about hand-washing my clothes over the weekend coz my dad took care of that, on Sunday I had my school uniforms and shoes nicely ready for the week, he even ironed my telekung and bedsheet. That spoilt.

Now that I'm an adult, I kinda miss the moments when I relied on him so much that it didn't bothered me causing him a lot of troubles, and I knew being the spoilt daughter as I was, it didn't bothered him as well. So in that case, no I don't think I am that close to him nowadays. Plus the fact that I've officially lost my title being daddy's favourite person the moment my nephew was born into the world. And things got worst when the other 2 little rascals arrived. Great. (Though I love those kiddies anyways and not planning to do anything to them just to get my title back). For what it's worth, it got me to smile broadly thinking about last summer break when I had to wake up early for my elective posting in the hospital, finding my baju kurung was nicely ironed on my bed the moment I finished my shower, and later ate my readily buttered toasts on the b'fast table. I guess in his heart I'll always be his fat, curly hair, grumpy and troublesome little daughter..

So, on the 27th of November 2006, I wish my daddy;

Happy 58th Birthday, Abah.

I send you love and a lot of prayers on your birthday, may Allah swt showers you with barakah and rahmah, gives you great health and happiness.

For the sacrifices you've made for me, for every little trouble I've caused you, for the tears you've shed for me, for the unconditional love you give me.

For everything words simply can't explain.

Sincerely from your daughter, I love you.

p/s: Just to cut the sappy mood, my mom got my dad a set of new teeth for his birthday. How cute is that? hehe..