this sucks
I go to bed late at night coz I have to look at the day's topics.
I wake up the next morning barely having any times for proper breakfast. Even my tudung and shirt are not ironed.
I take the buses with an empty stomach, halfly awake mind and crumpled tudung and shirt.
I keep the day going by drinking black coffee, still my mind wanders off sometimes in class.
I end the day with my eyes feeling like popping out from the sockets and headaches.
It's dark and cold when I go out from the house in the morning, and still dark and cold when I reach home in the evening. I haven't seen the sun for days.
My eyes are getting slitter day by day from the lack of rest and terrible sleeping pattern I adopt and my cheeks are chubbier from eating the cheese for the compensatory self-rewards.
The pimples refuse to settle and now they leave scars on my face. Great.
God help me.