Confession: I'm Old
Well yesterday was my 21st birthday. Some said that one gets the ‘key of freedom’ on his 21st birthday, I’m not sure what’s that to be put on me. If my key of freedom is marriage, honestly I don’t need to be 21 to get the license, my eldest sister got married when she was 19 or 20 years old before she flew to UK. Our parents trust us in making this kind of decision. Then it brought me to think that it might be the freedom to choose, well 21 is the age it needs for one to cast his vote in a general election in M’sia, not sure about other countries (yeah yeah I need to know those political thingy now, great..‡ or maybe I don’t have to, well it’s my freedom to choose aight?). A friend of mine got a necklace with a key-shaped pendant on her 21st birthday from her mom, saying it’s been passed for generations now. As for me, to really weigh them all equally, my key of freedom is when I am capable to make the right decisions with the right knowledge that would lead me to all the good things in life herein and hereafter. And that would be a long way to go before reaching there.
Jumping from the above issue, I’ve been thinking hard yesterday, of what have I obtained in my 21 years of life, well U don’t want to live long and not getting anything from it don’t U? Easy said, on my 21st birthday,
I wish
::I was at home to celebrate it
::I could kiss my parents foreheads thanking them for raising me up to be what I am now
::(I was younger than 21)
::life is simpler than what it’s been recently
I hope
::one day, I’d have the capabilities to give back what people have given me
::I could be a better person than I am now
I regret
::that I’ve been a difficult child to my parents and my siblings (U don’t want to know how bad I was as a child)
::that I’ve been a lousy friend to some when I was younger, believe me I was naïve
::that I didn’t use the chance to taste the sweetness of friendship with some when I had one
I miss
::my sweet childhood in the coast, life was easy back then
::my true friends, that open their hearts to know me, being there in shines or rains
::my school life and everything in it
::my whole family dearly
I love
::most of things in my life now, as for some, I just wish they were different
I hate
::people using other people in order to achieve what they want
::the cruel (Bush’s) armies and cronies ditching people from their own lands (u burn in Hell)
This is getting more boring, I should stop it there. Anyway for the day I got many text messages from family and friends, few online messages, cards and packets from home and gifts. A (already knew) surprise party was thrown for me from my flatmates and for that I got a PINK spring coat, 2 handbags and a deep fryer. They know I’d never buy (or wear) a PINK coat so they bought me one, cheeky huh. They’ve long wanted a deep fryer in the house so they gave me one, more cheeky huh. Anyway, thanks for every effort made for me, I appreciate them so much. I’m feeling a little too old for a celebration, I don’t know why. Maybe because of the wrinkles I got, or because of the presence of the new juniors in Dublin, or because the fact that I AM technically old, God-knows.
At the end of the day, my award of the best gifts goes to
Naqib on his last day of kindergarten
And this
Latest Ariff, both photos sent in CD from Ola
And I’m still pondering on my childhood life even now, ever since I received this text from Along
‘U’re 21?? Thot u r 12. Rminds me of d times when u were 12..was a hell of a task to raise u 2 b what u r now. A’way, still long way 2 go. Stay strong, Sis!’
(I told U I was a difficult child *_*)
As for the exam, I’m feeling tired and used, evidence by the dark eye bags (don’t take medicine as a career if u wanna look young always). I need something to rejuvenate my life, I seriously do.