Thursday, December 11, 2008

If you believe you can, or you believe you can't, you're probably right - H Ford

It's a good feelings being a student again. Coming late for the lectures, drinking loads of coffee (and peeing a lot as a result), thought spacing during lectures, glancing the cute guys from behind (unfortunately paeds is a wrong field to get a lot of hot/cute guys - most would be decent, but not HOT hot if you get what I mean. The HOT ones would do surgery - yeah it's their self-esteem we know that).

Yes you got me right. That's non-Mendelian inheritance. Also learned about Mendel and his peas again. And the chromosomes. And the syndromes. It's the nice 'confused' feelings in the middle of lectures, and asking the people beside you to recall "what's the 5 T's for causes of mediastinal mass" again.

I stayed in M'sia Hall halfway through. I was high on teh tarik and roti canai for breakfast. The smell of the curry stayed on my hand all day long (pure kari mamak ni). Also had the first London theatrical experience. Ah I'm just a sucker for musicals, always.

Something really weird happened few days ago. I went shopping along the Oxford St and came back home empty handed. That's like, BIZARRE. Must be part of growing up thingy. Demm.

One week as a Londoner is an ample pulse of happiness and remission from Dublin. Prediction says it won't be long until one falls back for relapse though.


Sunday, December 07, 2008

Salam Aidiladha

Looks like I won't be celebrating raya haji this year. It happened weeks ago; course registration - checked, ticket to LHR - checked, accommodation - checked. Wait a minute, 8/12/08, ain't that day raya haji? Bummer..

Semoga pengorbanan kali ini di'kira', i'Allah. (God knows I'm bleeding inside).

Ketupat Raya Aidilfitri 1428H/2007
Bangi, where the heart is..

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all Muslims.

Maaf Zahir & Batin.

Please send your thoughts for me when you're eating rendang daging korban while I eat egg sandwich on raya day. OK probably don't, just send those thoughts (or send the daging korban) to our brothers and sisters who are underprevileged at home instead. I'll be OK here, i'Allah.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

should we care

Yes I think the NFC was right in declaring their fatwa on Yoga, Lesbianism and Tomboy. I don't think they were trivial issues at all, as some may imply. We know prevention is better than cure, and having the first hand experience in dealing with some of those issues (or close enough), I think it's right for us to be reminded that the path to righteousness should start from the very beginning of the journey.

I am stepping into another milestone in life. I was a newborn months ago who bottom-shuffled and crept to grasp my stuff around. Now I probably can walk fine after succeeding few unsupported first steps. For this I attribute to the scaffolding support and safety net of great family and friends.

We all grew. It's great sometimes to look back and reminisce the old times. I bumped into one old memory that I never thought would came revisited. Ah people moved on with their lives, I'm glad. My prayers for you.

A: Why did you like him?
B: Oh it's probably the teenager's hormonal surge more than anything.
A: So is he with someone now?
B: Yes I think.
A: What does she look like?
B: Em, typical Malay girl. Ayu, putih, kurus and kecil. Probably 75% of Malay girl in M'sia are like that and they're the men's favourites.
A: So what make you?
B: The 1% probably. Tak ayu, tak putih, tak kecik and tak kurus. Think about the world's issues too much like the undernourished kids, Palestine/Afghanistan/Iraq. Loves mini cooper too much. I don't think I'd fall in any categories of men's favourite.

He he.