If you believe you can, or you believe you can't, you're probably right - H Ford
It's a good feelings being a student again. Coming late for the lectures, drinking loads of coffee (and peeing a lot as a result), thought spacing during lectures, glancing the cute guys from behind (unfortunately paeds is a wrong field to get a lot of hot/cute guys - most would be decent, but not HOT hot if you get what I mean. The HOT ones would do surgery - yeah it's their self-esteem we know that).

Yes you got me right. That's non-Mendelian inheritance. Also learned about Mendel and his peas again. And the chromosomes. And the syndromes. It's the nice 'confused' feelings in the middle of lectures, and asking the people beside you to recall "what's the 5 T's for causes of mediastinal mass" again.
I stayed in M'sia Hall halfway through. I was high on teh tarik and roti canai for breakfast. The smell of the curry stayed on my hand all day long (pure kari mamak ni). Also had the first London theatrical experience. Ah I'm just a sucker for musicals, always.
Something really weird happened few days ago. I went shopping along the Oxford St and came back home empty handed. That's like, BIZARRE. Must be part of growing up thingy. Demm.
One week as a Londoner is an ample pulse of happiness and remission from Dublin. Prediction says it won't be long until one falls back for relapse though.