Saturday, November 08, 2003


the weather's a bit colder than usual today..i woke up late (8 30am) and buckle up to the library..n guess wut by the time i reached there (err here i mean) i was the first one including Farah (a pal) whom i met at the entrance, who were in the library..nerdie????keskes..

today i checked all my junk mails and found out that i still haven't got my mails from the IMAMUKEIRE group into my inbox, instead they all go to the junkies..after straightened things out and catching up with the things they're discussing in it, i checked with yahoo and found out that i'm still not registered to the come i've already got all the mails without being one of the member..gapo dio nih??fenin fenin..but i suddenly got this spirit inside me after reading all the mails by the professionals and i realized that this is it, it is always been my dream to be involved in these kinda things..the MERCY (ever watched the movie 'selubung'..yes i'm totally influenced by's true), all the voluntary things that u do, going to one place and serve the people there..i hope that one will come true someday..Mak will never allow me to do these things (i once tell her bout this) but i think i won't be satisfied of wut i am without experiencing these kind of things...

yeah it is true that there are a lot of ppl in malaysia that need doctors, y go serving ppl in other countries when u have ppl waiting for ur services in ur own country..but u see it is not evryday that u got the chance to have the experience studying abroad, joining one professional group and have the channel to do all these things..even when u have the chance, it is not evrybody that has the urges to go, as i do.. so i think it is nothing wrong to be doing that..they say u'll be more grateful of wut u r when u see other ppl suffers from the lacking of things that u i really do hope that one day i'll have the chance to go to one place, Iraq, South Africa or anywhere in the world that need me to serve the ppl there..and i'll keep the memories in my heart and let 'em be as guidance for my life ahead..n if i die during performing my duties, i won't be regret it, ever...

so many things to be said, but they just came wordless..