English Camp
The weekend after I got back from Acheh was filled with an English Motivational Camp at a primary school at my hometown in Alor Gajah, Melaka. At the same time there was a Pre-Departure Programme for the new juniors going to UK and Ireland held in Bangi, which left me a hard decision to choose between the two. Of course as told earlier I went for the former, as it was originally my own project with a group of students from Ireland as well. I must thank, I mean, send my deepest gratitudes to other 6 fellows of this so we called English Camp, for if not for them, I was at the verge of turning to a dead end for this. It was really hard to cope as my body was still tired from my Acheh mission, hopping to another programme like this was something intolerable for my used body. Nonetheless, all praise for Allah SWT, my mates blew my dimmed spirit to a brighter one, the one day camp was a success judging from the scale of preparations done. May Allah SWT rewards them for every good deeds handsomely.

Some of the Year 6 students of Sek Keb Belimbing Dalam, Alor Gajah.
The main outcome for the camp was always practising charity, for this is the 'saving account' we'll need later in the here-after. Giving a second thought on it, giving charity almost seems illogical I say if one doesn't believe in the here-after. Well, try this. Would you like to spend half a grant for your journey to a place with people in need for help, reaching there, you spend the days helping the people with all your mights, playing with pain and dirts, and going back, broke, burnt and restless, and again, what have you got from that? If I were you, I would put that money away for my wished iPod Mini in stores. Lagi bagus..So where's exactly the essence of charity lies? My answer; strong faith, and always is. Let's talk about this sometimes later.
Going back to my outcome list, after a day of teaching English, I realized that my English is actually gibberish. I made my own rules of grammar and it got worse when I stick to it. Guess I really have to kick my old habit of not reading. And go 10 years back by starting with the learn-a-word-a-day method. Yikes.
And what more important is, I have proven my parents that my early twenties change from being a huhu-haha-kid to an I-talk-about-the-world-and-its-problems lady is not something I made up. I want to change, and it's important for them to take this seriously and be part of it. Not that I want to sound ungrateful, but my old fashioned pair still prefer another daughter to go out having a total body treatment along with her boyfriend rather than me talking about my plan of visiting a HIV infected adults and children home. And when they defined their meaning of safe boundaries and being protective, I kept on getting more confused by days. Oh well, who said that doing good deed's easy anyway?
May Allah SWT give me the force to continue on..