Monday, April 25, 2005

lawak waktu subuh

It's spring and the shurooq is usually around 6.00 a.m. I'm usually hopeless in going to bed again after I wake up for the fajr prayer, I'll have bright eyes until I'm sleepy again an hour or two later. So these days what I usually do is read the online papers though I know it opposes what Dr Fadhilah Kamsah has said, "Jangan baca akhbar atau dengar berita di pagi hari, ia akan menutup minda kita ke arah apa yang kita telah baca/dengar untuk sepanjang hari".

I stumbled unto this bit in a news in Hiburan section in Utusan Malaysia Online today,

Sememangnya penyanyi kacak yang bersifat mesra ini diminati oleh ramai wanita. Maka tidak hairanlah ramai peminat wanita yang hadir pada persembahan itu mengambil peluang melagakan pipi mereka pada pipi Anuar.

Thot only 'Malaysians' in foreign-lands adopted that style of greetings/expressing feelings English-style, now I know it's already been in Msia. Where have I been all these while...

I guess what Dr Fadhilah Kamsah said must be right, I think I'm gonna be smiling all day long seeing people melagakan pipi mereka kepada pipi rakan mereka today.


Friday, April 22, 2005

the 'martyrs'

Once, I introduced myself to an Arab friend, "Call me Shu,"I said. She was like, "Pardon?". Confused, later I learnt that in some dialects, 'shu' means 'what' and putting 'shu-ha-da' altogether means 'what-is-it'. OK that's not a good sign. Luckily there's still some Arabs who stick to the Quranic language, when I introduced my other name to an an Irish girl (I usually go for 'Wan', unless they're really gonna be spending more time with me I'll say 'Shu/Shuhada' instead), Maryam my Kuwaiti friend said to that girl, "Shuhada has a really beautiful meaning, it means 'the martyrs', do you know what that is?" And of course she didn't know what 'martyr' means when she gave me 'the look' (and dare they to say that we're ignorance).

I am a big fan of my own name when people spell it correctly, it just doesn't seem right to see people use 'y' instead of 'h' in it, I just love the letters being on the line all the way. That sounds so self-centred ya? Anyway, just adding the fact that I'm the only one in Wan's family whose name doesn't have the letter 'i' in it, that made me rather unique I guess (and yes I do have that one-of-a-kind behaviour which no other siblings have, difficult child I was). When I was a kid, friends from school used to address me a full 'Shuhada' and it had always been like that, which I loved most. That was because we had a boy with a name 'Syuhairi' and people called him 'Syu' so I always thot 'shu/syu' is a guy's name. It was till I entered high school when the seniors started calling me by just 'Shu' coz everyone in the school by the name of 'Syuhada/Syuhaida' being called 'Shu', but I remembered I was the only one with that different spelling until the juniors arrived and we had another N Shuhada, who is actually my current junior in Dublin (small world eh). At this point u must've been feeling a bit dizzy from my over-expression of my own name. Haha.

Anyway it was an old habit of google-ing your own name, and I'd always go for (of course) 'Shuhada'. And I just love reading every inspiring thing they use my name on; came about on this one.

Shuhada Organization is a non-governmental and non-profit organization committed to the reconstruction and development of Afghanistan with special emphasis on the empowerment of women and children.

And how bout this.

Risalat-us-Shuhada a treatise written in Persian by Pir Muhammad Shattari in 1633 AD. It deals with the life and martyrdom of Shah Ismail Ghazi (r) along with some of his companions in Bengal...

And the one that I keep coming back to and read again and again and again is this.

It is called the "Shuhada Massacre"

In the morning of Friday Oct. 30 of 1948 a massacre was committed by the Jewish Zionist. The battle started on Thursday 29/10/1945 and ended next day in the morning. The battle lasted almost 10 hours. The massacre started without any mercy. This savage and unbelievable massacre is described as very painful. It is impossible to describe it in brief lines.

The Brave Defenders of the village People with Arab Freedom Liberation Army, against attacking Jewish Army of the Out-Lawed Gangs of Hagana, Stern & Irguns, under the leadership of Manno Bin Murdakhay, originally from Ja'unah village near Safad.

During the battle a complete Regiment was killed on the East side of the village. So the Jewish Enemy Army Shifted South as they were not able to take over the village from The East, and its people who were defending its Land, people and their Presence to live a decent free life. Finding a fierce resistance and Heavy shelling in the East, they shifted the battle south to Miron Village, took it over then to the West side from Beit Jun. And from there, sent their commandos North to the village of Jish and took it Over. Now Safsaf was surrounded from all sides and under the siege, and unfortunately they took it over after all and this was the first Part. After the Jewish Zionists Gangs saw how many soldiers of their army were lost started raping and killing.

I may be a bit superstitious, but this really runs in my blood. I have this low-treshold in tolerating injustice, especially pertinent to the Palestinian issues. I had long cried for them, and still crying now. Every ticking clock, their land has just gotten smaller and smaller, u'll be surprised to see the current map of Palestine, how the cruel (bastard is more suitable) Israelis molested their rights to live a free man. I dunno, it sends shivers to my spine mentioning this, reading every breaking news, and yet what more could I do as a Muslim who's been granted a wealthy life in a peaceful homeland? Just pray, pray and pray.

Fellow Muslims, wake up and face the call for justice of the ummah. Let's fight by all means, mind, body and soul. For in every Muslim's battlefield, there's only winning or martyrdom, never a loss!

Allahumma inna naj'aluka fi nuhuri a'daina wa nauzubika min shururihim..

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

slit-eyed, or slit-moralism?

Last Saturday I invited a friend to my house to spend a night over as it was quite long since we last met and chatted. Basically it was an invitation to 'catch-up things' as both of us were busy with exams and such before. On the way home we stopped by at her house to pick up things, and not to forget any means of 'pleasuring the eyes'. We were flipping through the collection of CDs she has and came about this famous Malay movie on-screening now, 'Sepet'. Without a doubt I took it and brought it home. Texting fellow comrades asking them to join in the premier screening at my house, I was overthrilled to finally get the chance to watch this so-called most likable Malay movie history has told.

The fact was, all joy turned sour. We had series of mini-heart attacks and neurogenic shocks of the inappropriate scenes depicted in the movie. A sweet girl with long straight (rebonding-techniqued) hair wearing baju kurung cotton putih bunga-bunga kecil suddenly rolled up her kain baju kurung revealing her thighs when she was taking pictures minah-rempit style, that was certainly jaw dropping. I don't mind if they want to put an actress go clubbing in minis, but please, just don't tarnish the image of people wearing baju kurung with that attitude, wear the already-revealing mini-skirts or hot-pants instead.

Our jaw dropped even wider when we came to the scene where the parents were in the mode of 'making-love'. Disgusted, have they no shame of acting in such ways. I do understand some might say it is normal-lah people acting like that, alah berlakon aje, macam tak biasa pulak (artis Malaysia, biasa-lah!), what I don't understand is the uproaring fans of this so-called cerita-Melayu-yang-lain-daripada-yang-lain, don't they get the point? They are downgrading the Malay race in there, out-loud or unsurfaced. To be fair, I'm not 100% detesting this movie, yes there are some good points counted, it's just the way they are conveying the points is arguable. Why put a scene of parents discussing about their growing daughter in bed, under one blanket, berkemban, when they could do that over a normal breakfast? And yet, that's still what we, Malaysia's ordinary youths love most, aren't we?

I am no Malay movies fan, like any other Malay movies, this one amazingly dissapoints me. I'm still searching for one which is temperate, have good moral values, good production, and suitable for all-age viewers. I don't expect some complicated, mind-teasing Minority-Report-like movies, we have long failed doing that when Aziz M. Osman's XXRay failed. Admit it, we're still using a funny looking puntianak when our neighbour has produced a good horror like Shutter. Come to think, every good Malay movies that's been produced are the ones potraying the British Colonial times or else Zaman Jepun, or even old-myths like Puteri Gunung Ledang or Hang Tuah. The rest would be as cheezy as skateboarding gang wearing knitted snowcaps and triple layered tops in the midst of humid KL, the life of a terlanjur minah motor who wears tight leather pants, or even a remaja university who fell in love with this popular abang senior and they had a full-course dinner complete with table skirting on top of a university building, you know what I mean. It is at this time of the era where all movies with good moral values failed, imagine what would happen in the next 10 or 20 years, when we don't have anything good that our kids could learn from.

Nonetheless, I'm still a little confused when people are fighting their hearts and souls for de-moral policing in my beloved homeland. Is it because we're eating wrongly, or the education system is a bleak, or everyone's just too overwhelmed with demoralize movies, that we're blinded to appreciate the 'haq' and the 'batil'. So much for the freedom to choose, are we considered freed when we chose to idolize people like Dr. Amina Wadud? Tepuk dada tanya iman..

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Lazy Bug

I've been creating a lot of rooms for me to basically relax and pretend not having any class. Forensic has brought out its fatal attraction when it comes to legal procedures, which I hate to learn. I want blood, burns and bodies not death certs, consent forms and confidentiality (let the members of the laws do that).

Anyway, been doing updates on my last spring break. Thinking back, I was never so occupied in a holiday that every single day that passed by without anything to do made me go half-crazy trying to kill the time (OK I ended being in the kitchen for the whole day cooking anything my kitchen could provide). I found it good somehow, for the first time I really had spent my free times wisely. I do hope that I did something beneficial out of that, not just for me but for others as well.

So post-2nd Prof Exam, there were

1. Farewell party for PMC students
2. Unofficial farewell picnic for PMC Malay clan
3. MSM's Spring Gathering in Co. Wicklow
4. IMAM's 2nd Annual Symposium in Machester, UK
5. PPIMI's Cuti-cuti Musim Bunga (CCMB)
6. End The Occupation Conference by FOSIS (ETOC)
7. Ireland Roadtrip 2005

All crashed in a month, I still feel there were possible empty holes here and there that I could fill looking back. Regrets? Naah, I'll look forward to use my summer break to the most.

Before that, let's finished the term with a good end. Go start your engine now.

Oh yeah, I'm constructing my entries for the spring events, though halfway to finished, do stop by and visit me sometimes. I'll be keeping things to date, later.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

long due

Been a while and I dunno where to start again. I'm back in school, I mean back to classes in this good old hospital. Mundane, I'd say. Been coming to classes very late and only attending afternoon classes. Epidemiology is the most boring subject ever, if not for the group project due next month I certainly won't be here by now. Thank God there's Forensic Medicine to top it up, and yeah it's the REAL C.S.I we're learning. It make me wonder sometimes how people could lose sanity and do inhumane acts. The lectures are full of splattered blood and flesh, dead people, and of course crime scenes. Made me go out of the lecture theatre at the end of the class feeling very hungry..hmm..

I learnt the famous Locard's Principle in Forensic:

'Every contact leaves a trace'

Wait till I dust my weblog and see whose prints was here. So you think you're safe huh? :-p
