long due
Been a while and I dunno where to start again. I'm back in school, I mean back to classes in this good old hospital. Mundane, I'd say. Been coming to classes very late and only attending afternoon classes. Epidemiology is the most boring subject ever, if not for the group project due next month I certainly won't be here by now. Thank God there's Forensic Medicine to top it up, and yeah it's the REAL C.S.I we're learning. It make me wonder sometimes how people could lose sanity and do inhumane acts. The lectures are full of splattered blood and flesh, dead people, and of course crime scenes. Made me go out of the lecture theatre at the end of the class feeling very hungry..hmm..
I learnt the famous Locard's Principle in Forensic:
'Every contact leaves a trace'
Wait till I dust my weblog and see whose prints was here. So you think you're safe huh? :-p