Lazy Bug
I've been creating a lot of rooms for me to basically relax and pretend not having any class. Forensic has brought out its fatal attraction when it comes to legal procedures, which I hate to learn. I want blood, burns and bodies not death certs, consent forms and confidentiality (let the members of the laws do that).
Anyway, been doing updates on my last spring break. Thinking back, I was never so occupied in a holiday that every single day that passed by without anything to do made me go half-crazy trying to kill the time (OK I ended being in the kitchen for the whole day cooking anything my kitchen could provide). I found it good somehow, for the first time I really had spent my free times wisely. I do hope that I did something beneficial out of that, not just for me but for others as well.
So post-2nd Prof Exam, there were
1. Farewell party for PMC students
2. Unofficial farewell picnic for PMC Malay clan
3. MSM's Spring Gathering in Co. Wicklow
4. IMAM's 2nd Annual Symposium in Machester, UK
5. PPIMI's Cuti-cuti Musim Bunga (CCMB)
6. End The Occupation Conference by FOSIS (ETOC)
7. Ireland Roadtrip 2005
All crashed in a month, I still feel there were possible empty holes here and there that I could fill looking back. Regrets? Naah, I'll look forward to use my summer break to the most.
Before that, let's finished the term with a good end. Go start your engine now.
Oh yeah, I'm constructing my entries for the spring events, though halfway to finished, do stop by and visit me sometimes. I'll be keeping things to date, later.