people's problem's mine
I'm left alone at home after Ola and Adik went back to colleges. The bad thing is I have to take over Ola's chores, which means a new housewife job for me, and the bad thing also is I've lost my loyal driver, Adik, who's willing to take me anywhere I'd go.Well the good thing is, em, nothing I guess, none's good when you're left alone with no eating and fighting buddies. Wait, think I could do the latter with Naqib at times. Hehe. At least losing in the former case wouldn't be so much troublesome, considering the toothache I've been having for weeks now. Nak makan pun susah sakit gigi ni.
On Friday I went to MERCY Office in Ampang after been receiving calls for few days from the volunteer manager who said, "Akhirnya datang pun menyerah diri budak ni," when I finally showed up. Sengih je lah. Oh it was fun working there, met a couple of aunties whom, from my understanding being Datuk Dr Jemilah's closest buddies. When they came I thought it was for some official purposes, who'd guess they pulled out the chairs and sat one table with few young volunteers doing the office works together. So basically, middle-aged housewives, filthy rich, volunteering. That's interesting. Guess there's always kindness and peace when you thought madness and cruelty has conquered the world.
Well, I was making phone calls to the volunteers for some upgrading database works when K.Zu called it for lunch. We went out eating at the stalls under the trees nearby. For once I thought I've lost my sense of time after a good hours of working, then only I realized that it was not me, I was basically intact. So it was lunch time on Friday noon and I thought maybe those guys who were happily eating their lunch out had their wristwatches damaged, or maybe they were in the mode of bermusafir, I dunno, just guessing the possibilities that made them excusing themselves from solat Jumaat that day. No offense, but honey if you don't have the shame to Allah, just please feel ashamed to other human beings. It was as if I was the one who escaped from my responsibilities that I was the one who was tersipu-sipu malu looking at them.
Goodness, we are moving towards being a developed country, and yet we have the burden of underdeveloped ummahs like these. Bak kata Sayid Qutb 'tamadun ini umpama seekor burung yang berkibas dengan sebelah sayap yang amat gagah, sedangkan sayapnya yang sebelah lagi patah, ia meningkat maju dalam kemajuan kebendaan, tapi jatuh dalam konsep insaniyah, ia mengalami masalah kegelisahan, kebingungan dan penyakit jiwa dan saraf'. The only way out? Back to the Creator! Period.
Well, that's my khutbah Jumaat you've missed last Friday dear. Next time kalau takmo pegi solat Jumaat dudukla menyorok dalam ofis makan megi, jangan sakitkan mata orang lain dengan pemadangan yang tak best.
Oh my, I don't like spending the rest of this entry nagging about the painful truth about Muslims nowadays. I know I am not perfect, but being a decent human beings, I want to be perfected by my faith. I believe everyone else does too. Memanglah all these while we have always been mangsa keadaan, mangsa sistem pendidikan sekular British. Tapi takkanlah nak jadi mangsa sampai bila-bila kan? The world is changing it's views on Islam, hari ni London kena bomb, esok paling kurang 10 orang peluk Islam. Don't believe me? Go out, open your eyes and observe, like I used to read somewhere, cuba lihat dunia dari pandangan mata burung, bukan pandangan katak dari bawah tempurung kaca. Still don't get it? Balik rumah tanya mak OK.
On Friday I went to MERCY Office in Ampang after been receiving calls for few days from the volunteer manager who said, "Akhirnya datang pun menyerah diri budak ni," when I finally showed up. Sengih je lah. Oh it was fun working there, met a couple of aunties whom, from my understanding being Datuk Dr Jemilah's closest buddies. When they came I thought it was for some official purposes, who'd guess they pulled out the chairs and sat one table with few young volunteers doing the office works together. So basically, middle-aged housewives, filthy rich, volunteering. That's interesting. Guess there's always kindness and peace when you thought madness and cruelty has conquered the world.
Well, I was making phone calls to the volunteers for some upgrading database works when K.Zu called it for lunch. We went out eating at the stalls under the trees nearby. For once I thought I've lost my sense of time after a good hours of working, then only I realized that it was not me, I was basically intact. So it was lunch time on Friday noon and I thought maybe those guys who were happily eating their lunch out had their wristwatches damaged, or maybe they were in the mode of bermusafir, I dunno, just guessing the possibilities that made them excusing themselves from solat Jumaat that day. No offense, but honey if you don't have the shame to Allah, just please feel ashamed to other human beings. It was as if I was the one who escaped from my responsibilities that I was the one who was tersipu-sipu malu looking at them.
Goodness, we are moving towards being a developed country, and yet we have the burden of underdeveloped ummahs like these. Bak kata Sayid Qutb 'tamadun ini umpama seekor burung yang berkibas dengan sebelah sayap yang amat gagah, sedangkan sayapnya yang sebelah lagi patah, ia meningkat maju dalam kemajuan kebendaan, tapi jatuh dalam konsep insaniyah, ia mengalami masalah kegelisahan, kebingungan dan penyakit jiwa dan saraf'. The only way out? Back to the Creator! Period.
Well, that's my khutbah Jumaat you've missed last Friday dear. Next time kalau takmo pegi solat Jumaat dudukla menyorok dalam ofis makan megi, jangan sakitkan mata orang lain dengan pemadangan yang tak best.
Oh my, I don't like spending the rest of this entry nagging about the painful truth about Muslims nowadays. I know I am not perfect, but being a decent human beings, I want to be perfected by my faith. I believe everyone else does too. Memanglah all these while we have always been mangsa keadaan, mangsa sistem pendidikan sekular British. Tapi takkanlah nak jadi mangsa sampai bila-bila kan? The world is changing it's views on Islam, hari ni London kena bomb, esok paling kurang 10 orang peluk Islam. Don't believe me? Go out, open your eyes and observe, like I used to read somewhere, cuba lihat dunia dari pandangan mata burung, bukan pandangan katak dari bawah tempurung kaca. Still don't get it? Balik rumah tanya mak OK.