Tuesday, October 02, 2007

jalan terus

My heart aches as I read this on my mobile, over and over again.

I can safely say that it's been an honour to work with a kind, trustworthy & sincere person such as yourself. It's been immense! You'll make a fantastic paediatrician.

I haven't been in my best state this week. There's a major switchover of the team members - I'm still here. Most people (but not the boss) suggested that I should go home at noon today. Smiling back, no thanks. Who's left to deal with the CT scan, endoscopy, consult requests? Though my stomach was weak and queasy, the face almost blown off from sneezing, I embraced the day. Blame the norovirus outbreak. Alas, the show must go on..

I'm patiently waiting for next week. It seems so far away. (I need to get away from these bollocks immediately, I'd die if I don't)