One of the things I enjoy most at work is when having those little chats with the patients while doing cannulas, bloods, etc. It is usually a very quick chat about the crazy weather of the day, the things Irish I heard over the radio, the reasons the patient's in the hospital, etc. Most of them would end up asking me, "So tell me doctor where are you from?". Understandable, coz Irish is a known friendly tribe, and also coz I 'stand out' from the rest being brown and hijab-ed.
So my usual answer would be, "Where do you think?". With a smile.
Most of them will say, "I actually don't know." So I replied, "Just guess."
So my collection of very weird answers are as below.
1. France
2. Mexican
3. Kuwait
4. Emirates
5. Iraq
6. Philippines
No Malaysia, of note. And France?
One time I was talking to a patient who was lying flat on the bed. So I ended up talking above her head. I asked her few questions on a quick history for an admission, and suddenly she stopped talking and smiled. Then she said, "Doctor, you have a very beautiful set of teeth..", out of the blue..
I went to the sink straight after to gargle some water, just in case there was any chili or salads stuck in between my teeth.
Patients, they can be very cute sometimes.