Thursday, February 07, 2008

it is indeed February..

Halu peeps, how are we doin' these days?

I realized that we've only just gone into the second month of the year. Oh God time flew so slowly in OLLH it is slicing and dicing me up bits by bits. In BH 6 months went in a blink.

Yep nothing has changed since I was last here, I still hate OLLH and I think it has in fact surfaced till the base of the iceberg. The whole lot of us new batch of interns were contemplating at which level of Kubler-Ross's stages of grief are we in at the moment. My friend who was at the worst receiving end of the dysfunctional system said she finally has gone to the final stage of acceptance, after a full course of denial, anger, bargaining and depression. She has actually gone seeking a psychotherapist help starting last week. I ain't kidding you.

For myself, I think I'm still at the immature stage of denial. Hence the reason I made a few pit stops to BH on the way home from work at least once in a week. Feels more belonged there. I don't know. I dread every Monday, and Friday is THE highlight on every start of the week. Yep so pathetic. I don't enjoy my job as much as I used to anymore.

So to compensate I started focusing on the side stuff. Research has been going on well, thank to God the Almighty. I managed to finish writing my first ever abstract as a first author, and 3 more abstracts for joined authors. *Pat on the shoulder*. I realized how much I love medicine and seeking and revealing new findings in the interesting world of medicine. Oh geek! Whatever..

So peeps, you will see me at the break of dawn tomorrow walking in the cold morning with a big smile plastered on my face. Coz the highlight of the week is here, FINALLY!
