Wednesday, March 11, 2009

where the heart is

I made a last minute decision of buying a return ticket home, instead of the initial plan of travelling to Eastern Europe alone for my one week break after A&E shift ends. It was indeed a wiser plan. The journey home was excruciating, but once I breathed the homeland air it became refreshing.

One week was a tad bit short, but the shorter time I had the wiser the plans made. The usual 2 weeks activities were cramped in half. My apologies to good friends I didn't have time to meet, or the short time spent with whom I had. You guys were demi-good.

I figured life without these 3 Fs would be meaningless. Family, Friends, and great Food.

I'm back in the stab city. On-call on my first day back, no surprise there. On-call again the whole weekend. If good life is a dream, then it must be one hella good dream I had last week. Now awaken and back to a bad reality.