Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Male vs. Female

I don’t usually write about a specific issue in my blog coz I prefer to make it a place to lay down my simple thoughts at the end of another interesting day. I seriously look up on people who make their blog as a channel to educate people about certain issues, what more if they are religion-related issues. It shows that they really know what they’re writing about, and it gave me some hints of one’s level of knowledge in it, whether it’s just based on their own opinion or they actually had some efforts to do a bit of research before putting everything there.

So lately, I mean for the past three weeks I’d been having issues with my purpose of life here, I have been confronting with so many people about those problems of mine. Most of them were my friends, some were the seniors, and of course my family back home. Looking back, I realized that there are different approaches with different gender, male and female. And of course as one of the latter, I found the former approaches suited me best. It’s the rule of nature, don’t deny it, positive and negative attracts to each other aight? But don’t get me wrong, that was just opinion wise, I didn’t go further than that. I remembered talking about this matter late one night with my flatmates and we agreed on this matter

Female’s a good listener, Male’s a great solver.

I found it’s true somehow. Female friends are REAL good listener and it relieved me after talking to them. It’s like writing in this blog (yeah right) where I could just tell every single thing that crosses my mind at that time. And they would just patiently nod their head, give spaces and time for me to just talk and release every possible thing that made my head cloudy. Some would throw out some useful options I could consider choosing, many gave me advices on being patient of facing the hardships in life. I think that they were all useful and appreciate them so much. They said what’s friend for. I couldn’t disagree more.

So male friends on the other hand tend to listen also, but then they interrupted in between me and instantly open up for options. They were all brilliant options and I couldn’t deny the level of thinking in some are far beyond females. That’s the whole purpose I think, they’re supposed to be superior to the opposite gender in a way if not in the other. And I respected them for that, but not to the level of them taking me for granted. So back to the topic, I think it’s true that the superiority or should I say the ego in males keeps them thinking that they have to solve any problem on referral. Looking at a positive way, it’s good that they actually provided me with some options I’d never think of, which is one of the obvious reasons why I tend to refer to them in some cases (not all OK) as I agreed on males being a dynamic thinker better than females. And one more thing about them, as they already thought that they’re partly involved in the problem now, many tend to do some follow-ups with the person for a period of time just to ensure that she’s doing OK and coping good with the problems. And I think it’s a sweet thing to be doing so, with careful extraction of other feelings, make it pure bond of friendships and it’ll seriously be good. I can assure you.

So which one should go on top of the chart? None I guess. I need them both as much as I need my family. It’s like on completion of building a house, losing a piece of tiles would never make a perfect floor.

So thanks to those advices, great options, soothing thoughts, comforting reassurances, and thoughtful text messages and miss-calls, they really made me feel better after awhile. With those kinds of support I got I’m actually feeling like having another conflict later on. OK I was joking.