Went to SSP Cyberjaya on Sunday with the main intention to meet friends and teachers, also to attend the SBP Wind Orchestra Competition, though I was not a band member, only closed to become one when I was forced to by my band-member-college-sister when I was in my prime year of school. It's always gonna be for the love of sports and nothing else (well u cannot be a basketballer and a band member at the same time). Nonetheless, people who got through the 5 years of being SSP's band members amuses me, not only for the instruments they played, but their perseverance on standing the maki hamun from their fierce senior members, for some whom they eventually became alike when they became the seniors (the freak custom of boarding schools, give what u have gotten). Albeit, discipline was the main outcome for that and it is what matters most now. Tengok aja lah Anem, Ira, Baiti, Lina and fellow former band members, semuanya strict lagi berdisiplin. Hehe..
Anyway, we spent the night at Anem's apartment. Met them all at Sharifah PKNS Bangi, borak2, then headed to Anem's. It's like an annual custom to do a small gathering every year for the same group of people, exchanging news, exchanging sarcasms, reminiscing the good old school memories. That night we slept at 4 and struggled to wake up as early as we could for we had to depart before 9. Rasa macam high-spirited, though Cyberjaya was not our playground and there were less familiar faces left, at least the name is still the same. My first impression was, giler panas Cyberjaya ni, camne la diorang boleh tahan. And then I entered the main hall and thought, huh air-conditioned, for this I don't mind the humid weather outside!. Terus terkenang zaman sekolah kat KL dulu, where we would fit in the small school hall which still use kipas angin and sistem takal for curtains for the stage, and we only sat on the floor for every occasions including the assembly, sampai kaki rasa semut2 when it came to the long Monday morning big assembly. Kids nowadays should be really grateful for what they have, and I personally felt happy for them.
We were lead by 2 present students in very much familiar dark blue blazers and skirts, heh guess they still use the same prefects uniform. Shera instantly said to my face in a joking manner, "Huh prefects muka sombong, macam korang dulu." Now I know how they felt towards the dark blue students back then. I see that as a norm for survival, if I were not a prefect, I would've felt the same I guess. Anyway Shera said the same thing when one present student stood up and led the orchestra on stage for a while. I guess she really was joking. Hehe. For about an hour we sat in the hall, we were more to sibuk2 tengok kiri kanan than listening to the orchestra. We became loud at times when we saw familiar teacher passed by the aisle and silent again realizing we were over-reacting. Typical budak sekolah perempuan. As I sat there listening the orchestra, time flew 5 years back when basketballers had practice in one court and band members played instruments in the one next to it, and we became hyper for each time high notes hit. Aiseh those were the days. I said to Shera, "Nostalgia betul lah." She replied, "Tapi tak sama tempat, so tak terasa sangat." Betul jugak.
Then we went to hunt for the teachers. Miss them so, though only some still left there. Terkenang zaman sekolah dulu, when teachers posed a great influence on us. Si Iwa pulak tak habis2 tanya pasal Cikgu Wong (I remembered him as bau amil asetat, and cakap tak habis, --> "..kalau yang ini jawapannya em-?" kata Cikgu Wong. "-pat!!" jawab kami). Hehe. Met our beloved Cikgu Aida Jalal who said "Ha saya baca blog kamu" when I shook hands with her. Aisey, malu la pulak. Anyway Cikgu Aida was one of the closest teachers to our batch, and still am. She was always our cute talking physics teacher who writes the number '8' macam kucing, bak kata Mizah.
I'm always gonna remember every fun things that happened in physics lab, from changing our names to Shumedes, Cipahmedes, Sitimedes for Archimedes to Anot's attempts to draw a cat in her lab report for kanta cembung and kanta cekung topic (why on earth would u use kanta cembung to see a cat??) and also spending some times to get celah sempit and selah cempit right. We had a quick chat with Cikgu Aida, asking about what changes had there been in school. Well if u still interested in knowing, the students are not wearing tudung ikat belakang for sports anymore like we used to wear (and felt pretty in that, can u imagine how naïve we were?), lecture system has been going on where, at times, the whole batch would have a lecture given by a teacher in a brand new lecture theatre, like in the universities, and exams take place in the air-conditioned school hall where students normally have to wear sweaters for the cold hall. So not like our time where we would take off the socks during exams to ensure pure comfort for the feet to bear the heat. Technologies supposed to make your life better aight?
At noon, we were all ready to go back, for some had to run to other places.
We went home with SSP got the third place for the wind orchestra competition, and I went home with Cikgu Aida’s thoughtful notion;
“Budak sekarang dah ramai dapat A1 untuk fizik, dulu ye lah tak ramai. Nih ha budak sorang ni dulu main2 je dalam kelas fizik, tak sangka dapat A1 jugak akhirnya.”
Alhamdulillah. Terima kasih banyak2, Cikgu! U’ll always be in my prayers, inshaAllah.