Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Kisah Kusut

I keep on repeating this in my daily prayers, "Ya Allah keluarkan aku dari kekusutan ini, sesunguhnya Engkaulah yg Maha Mengetahui." Again and again and again. The fact is I am indeed very very kusut for 2 days now since I enter Obs & Gynae. My partner is a whiner by nature. Adding to that, she has the greatest Mohamad-ophobia ever, I dunno whether this is one of her atheist agenda of confusing me or what, I kept on tersepit between her anti-Arab stories. Why tersepit? Because some of her whining stories are true, she was just smart enough to pick on few anak2 orang kaya dr negara minyak yg sgt spoilt, and baaam just do her generalization on the whole race and religion. I hate hate hate to be in this situation where I am boiling to say a lot of things but I just have to use a lot of patience on this type of resistant, resilient, cold-hearted, stubborn people with no religion to hold on their judgement to. And the fact that she's reaaally nice to me adding more confusion in my head, coz they don't see this as a religion issue, it's just another separation of religion and race, whereas there's no such thing to us! Muslims are always ONE, we are borderless.

Today my temperature went up again when a few of them kept going on and on and on about stuff I don't wanna hear, I left coz I can't afford this strange sickness. If you wanna know, this is one of the ultimate reasons I'm leaving home for good after graduation, they say if u can't correct 'em, leave. Well, that's what I intend to do. 5 years of mounting sickness, I don't have that strong stomach.

Any suggestions how to deal with this? I'm only in my first week, I'll be getting hypertension with my hair turning grey by the end of 8th weeks if this keeps going. Help...

p/s: read this, it is as kusut as myself. why is the world so kusut now?? is it just me? please don't say it's just me..