Thursday, February 05, 2004

till after the exam

12 minutes before the library closes, i dun think i can write much for this one..yeah including today i have 4/5 days to go for my 1st prof exam which gonna take place for about 2 weeks starting this coming i beg to anybody who's reading my words here, please i beg u to at least recite one dhuah for me by ur heart (it really doesn't have to be in ur prayer, make it now!) coz i really need 'em..i'm gonna try to do my best and pray really hard for this exam and let He deals with the others..thanks guys!!

"Hai Tuhan kami, limpahkanlah kesejahteraan dan keselamatan yang sempurna ke atas junjungan kami Nabi besar Muhammad SAW, semoga terurai dengan berkatnya segala macam kekusutan, dilepaskan segala macam kesusahan, ditunaikan segala macam hajat, tercapai segala macam keinginan dan husnul khatimah (hajat yang baik), dicurahkan air hujan rahmat dengan berkat peribadinya yang mulia. Kesejahteraan dan keselamatan yang sempurna itu jugasemoga Engkau limpahkan ke atas para keluarga dan sahabatnya."

+++this evening i found out about one blogspot ran by one person that i know..Maha Suci Allah Yang Maha Besar, i was really stunned by the way she wrote evrything in her blog, despite her young age,she does the elaborations of things in a very mature and intelectual way that i felt so inferior and so ignorant in the knowledge that i should be knowing as a Muslim..gonna talk more on this later..