longing to be a Capoeirista
U remember when I posted a picture of people performing some sort of martial art at the Grafton St, and I said it was Ginga. Well to be definite, Ginga is the most basic move of Capoeira, the name of a well-known Brazilian martial art. And the weekend after that while I was walking at the Grafton St to buy a bus ticket, again there were people performing the same thing also. It was so cool that I couldn't resist to see them performing all over again, and I went back to the library searching for it over the internet. Great stuff, I couldn't stop thinking of it (and couldn't stop trying to do cart-wheel and few other moves at home, but yet FAILED, thanks to my exeggerated deposition of subcutaneous fat. I'll send U away I will).
Not long after that weekend, the college's Dance Society announced that they're going to do Capoeira classes for beginners, like a dream comes true for me. For the first week (last weekend) I was still considering of joining. People said yeah it's not wrong to just join for fun rite, but for me, when it is involving muscles work, it should be a continuous process and once U've stopped, the disuse of muscles would lead to what had happened to my body now. Flabby (I hate this word). Well I'm not a healthy junkie, I'll eat what I want and play sports to put colors in life, but some things ought te be taken seriously I guess, like thinking of a long-term consequences of every action I take.
Another thing, I remembered talking about this to Sani after the Islamic Society AGM a day before the first class. He said, "Buat ape nak belajar benda ni, kita kan ada Silat, buat ape nak belajar orang punye seni". OK firstly he was just joking, trying to irritate me in such way with his sarcastic face, I didn't mind at all. But then I told him "Susahla kalau camni, kalau takmo belajar langsung pasal budaya orang lain. Bukan ke orang Islam ni perlu ada at least sorg yg master dlm sesuatu bidang kat dlm dunia ni," (mementang baru habis AGM Islamic Soc). And then he said something that contributed to my lackness of assurance to join the class, "Ko tau tak setiap martial art ni ada satu budaya/agama yg dia last sekali akan based on, contohnya Silat atas agama Islam, cam Tomoi atas Budhha kot, ha ko tau ke Capoeira ni atas budaya/agama apa?" Well he got me there, I then told him that it's nothing wrong to find out about it, like join the class first and if something uneasy discovered, I could always back down. No harm in that. I went back home searching for it again over the internet, but I think I couldn't find anything about that. It's just that it originated from Brazil and now has spread to all over the world. I think it also has something to do with fighting racism or something like that. I dunno, if anyone has any idea about it, don't hesitate to tell me OK.
And today is the second Capoeira class in the college, thanks to myself, I opened my eyes this morning (after went to bed again after subuh) at quarter to eleven. Damn, I rushed to clean myself, packed up things and headed to the college. Reaching there, they were all in the middle of the class and I was afraid to interrupt. Well it was not scary as I thought it would be, AT ALL. I cursed myself again, this is why I guess some Malays are well behind from everyone, sifat malu dan takut yg terlampau sampai menghalang diri utk mencuba sesuatu yg baru utk kebaikan diri sendiri. I ought to improve myself in that, I SHOULD! If not I'll always be left behind or not even counted in every good things one could benefited from. So not long after that the class reached its end, I met Joanne who was in the class earlier, asking her how did it go, and she said it was great. I am sure to join it next week. I'll make a room for it, I will. God please help to make things easy for me.
Enough of the blabbering, I'm getting myself ready for the tennis practice at 4, if not for my bad attitude and low self-esteem, I wouldn't be missing the first class last week (other than the stomach ache I was having). Hope today proceeds on well, and yeah guess I have to break my fast in the middle of the tennis court today.
Ramadhan is a very good month to start everything, trust me.