Monday, October 11, 2004

here comes the month

Dear doctor colleague,

In a few days time, we are welcoming Ramadhan. Surely we have a strong will to undertake this annual project seriously. Let this year's Ramadhan be better than previous years for all of us. InsyaAllah we will make a plan to prepare ourselves so that we will have a sweet success at the end. We are not going to miss that Lailatul Qadr again and the only sure way to "catch" it is by performing ibadah every night from day one. That also means we have to pray tarawih, reciting Quran and munajat in our on-call rooms and while waiting for blood results or operating theatre calls. Plan also to take annual leave in November purely to spend the last ten days "talking and crying" to our Lord. As doctors, if we can stand doing on-calls all year round, it is only logical if we can answer our "bleep" for Allah's call. After all it is not that Allah Who needs us, but we need Allah.

+From my med-related yahoogroup.

Practice Islam like U practice life. No matter who U are, what U'd be.