the day when the sun shines brightly..
my Friday..
::lovely day outside, though the temperature keeps on falling
::nvm, good reason to wear the brightly colourful mufflers and scarves
::was sick earlier of the runnings for the bus (been doing that daily nowadays), and of the empty stomach (not been getting b'fast daily nowadays)
::quick nap in the prayer room, then went to see a patient with D. he was yesterday's patient whom i saw alone. did examinations. i love to communicate with sick people, it's like a pure satisfaction after doing one
::went back to the prayer room to get my things, on my way, took some slices of cheese, pastries and a cup of tea from the conference refreshments. that's the best thing in the hospital, free meals after each conference. and that's for b'fast and lunch
::last night i spoke to mum about my clinical electives, yes i got a green light fot that. been thinking hard for a good affordable place; india, indonesia, vietnam, God-knows
::now sitting in my official fav place in the library, digesting what's there in the book while humming to 30HMC. life's been never better