"Blog tu macam diari la". Betul la, tapi tak jugak, not fully for me. As this is a public space, I do keep certain things that I think not worthy being publicised, and personal things that are not appropriate to be mentioned. My life expands beyond things said here, but I guess at the end of the day blog is the best spot to place all the daily rumbles, things that I didn't get to express with other living creatures, let's just do the mind things. I guess I would've done the same things on the phone with my mum or someone closer but hell yeah who would pay the bills huh? Cut it short, I just need someone that could lend me some times to just listen when I needed him/her. Without having any doubt, by far this is the best place to do it, without making any serious commitment into it as humans would do.
Tired and used. (I just deleted few paragraphs of things I've written here). There are things that are well-expressed but not well-shown to others. At least it relieved me to let them all out.