Wednesday, December 13, 2006

my dogma on the current life

I realized if I have the chance to freeze time, it would be now (though it's not the best of times I had, plus there's no options for rewinding time, and I'm desperate). Yep, I desperately don't want my student's life to end, not yet!

How bad the days turn out to be, how bitchy the (over-achiever) friends are, how intimidating the lecturers could be, how bland the hospital food taste on your tongue, how tight the schedules could drive you mad, how nauseated you could be on the bus ride, how terrible the weather is;

at least, at the end of the day you can still laugh about the stupid things you did in the day without compromising some other people's lives. No heavy duty responsibilities. (Well that's if you don't include the compulsory case uploads and quizzes per weekly as heavy duty responsibilites now).

What make the days more meaningful is the people around you; the great friends who talk the same mind as yours, the inspiring doctors and lecturers you really wish you'd become alike one day (and inspire other people in return), the patients who use medical jargons more than you do you wish you'd have them for the exams..thanks all, you wouldn't be able to imagine how much impacts you've given to one's life.

And the best part would be; after you finished bitching about your bad days (and relate your life to a song coz you like it and you think the video is cute); you'll eventually come to the long holidays you'd never been able to think about once you've started working...hmm...

Why do lately my tastebuds yearn for saffron and olives and I feel the Bosphorus breeze on my face~~~

Oh I love this moment so much I wanna dump the other moments, marry this and start having little kids.. -Dr Cox