5 minutes
scratch scratch
i had an anaphylaxis reaction last monday, when i least expected it. i'll be telling the whole story about this maybe on my next one as i have it half in my PDA and i haven't transfer it yet to my laptop. like one once said to me, every mistake is an opportunity to learn, i made a mistake of taking the wrong drug, and i learnt lots of things out of it. later.
today the PBL (Problem Based Learning) circulated on the MMR vaccine, child abuse and CIRCUMSITION. yes the latter was the most controversial one, but MMR vaccine was quite an interesting topic too. i've got the chance to explain how things work in M'sia on circumsition, and it was shocking how little people know on this stuff. yes it's true that when it comes to religion, people are kind of reluctant to be sharing these kind of stuff, left many people to be confused and assumptived.
now my special attribute to a friend who's in Ohio, Siti Ainun Nisa Ahmad Yasir, i wish u a very happy (belated) birthday! may u find all the happiness life can bring and may u be under God's blessings always. she's a friend from high-school, a very small lad with a huge spirit. keep on going girl.
end now