Monday, May 17, 2004

good headstart, thank Him

first day in JCMH, Blanchardstown

my new teammates are Mary (an Irish girl), Kristen (a Norwaygean) and Mohammad (a Kuwaiti guy). i think we make a good team, and they're all so good with the patients and so much well-informed, which is quite a challenge for me to participate in each discussion. surprise surprise i am the shortest amongst them, and it's hard being the shortest as i couldn't establish a very good eye contacts with our very own intern (Dr. Doreen) and them. we saw 3 patients today, and they were all came in different interesting cases. i learnt some new devices at the side of the patients' bed, and i had the chance to do an auscultation to this very old lady with respiratory problems, and for the first time i heard real crepitations and crackles in someone's lungs. cool. dgn lafaz bismilLah aku rasmikan stetoskop baru aku yg kaler carribean blue tu :)

went back to Beaumont Hosp at quarter-to-twelve, and it was indeed a very tiring day. i figured out that on mondays i'll be having so many things for the whole day. gonna have to be in JCMH by 7.45am (can u believe it? i have to get the bus as early as 6.30am), i'll be having tutorial/ward rounds there every monday (and friday too) and after going back to Beaumont in the afternoon, i'll be having a lecture, CPC and tutorial for the whole evening till 5pm straight. be strong, or i'll lose in this game of life.

Rehab said "i will miss seeing you in Beaumont shu"..
yeah rite, as if u don't see me in the afternoon
but it's good to have someone missing you..hehe

Ghani said "penat giler dari pagi smpi petang. intern pun tak penat macam ni, dahla dapat gaji. kita ni tak dpt apa2"
painfully true

and Azri said " kita dapat ilmu"
dgn nada poyo

hehe me and ghani gelak besar. sejak bile azri sesuci itu. hehe