i never imagined i'll be this occupied and this tired in life that if i put my head on this table now, i'll passed out till someone wake me up again (this happened to me yesterday in Beaumont Library, i was just resting my tired head on the study table and out of the sudden i felt someone was shaking me hard on my shoulder. i looked at the time, and i realized that i 'lost my consciousness' for nearly about an hour, thank God Ailani was there to wake me up)
been a while since i write something here, the last entry i made was during my first day in JCMH and now i'm approaching my third week there. i'm currently in the medical team and next week (the third week) i'm going to be in my surgical team. moments i waited for a long time, i'm gonna be in OT( operation theatre) soon!! though i don't think i'm gonna be a surgeon, it'll be so cool to see the whole surgical procedure with my naked eyes.
and for the past a week and 4 days in JCMH,
initially i didn't really like the whole situations over there. there seems like a very serious hospital environment there, not like in Beaumont Hosp where there's a lot more people in there, and i don't get the chance to spend more time in JCMH as i have to go back to Beaumont in the afternoon for the lectures, we all have to. like students in Beaumont, they've got the chance to go see the patients in the evening after lectures or during free times between the classes, and us, we only have that on thursdays and fridays only (the only 2 days we're gonna be in JCMH for the whole day). secondly, i was having a very stressful episodes with my teammates, God THEY ARE TOO SMART that left me behind, trying to catch every little things that they're talking about. there was a day when i was so stressed that it killed my mood to go to the wards or to do anything particularly with them.
but slowly i'm kind of getting used to it i think. there's just simply a day u feel that u are so stupid, and there is another that u are on top of everyone. that's life! and i think i'm improving my communication skills with the patients now, thank God i have an Irish lad in my group, she tells me everything about general stuff that usually goes in Ireland, what u shouldn't be saying in front of the patient, and which better way u can use to rephrase the words that u are trying to say. coz different cultures have different thoughts on certain things like alcohol and diseases, so i try not to be offensive when asking the patients of these things. and one great finding that was initially brought on by Mary (the Irish girl)
"u know that Malaysians are quite popular here in Ireland. Back in my place there's two M'sians living there and everyone just love them!"
and today when i was in Geriatric Ward meeting this old man with stroke, the first thing that came out from his mouth when he knew i was from Malaysia was
"oh i love Malaysians! i was in Kuala Lumpur playing musical instruments there many years ago and i had a very warmth welcome and a very pleasant stay over there. Malaysians are just fabulous!"
at that time Mary was giving me the i-told-you look. that man was so delighted and he mentioned a name of a doctor that he met when he was in KL, saying that that doctor brought him to his house and brought him around KL and met with his friends. hmm nice remarks!
and this evening i've got the chance to see OGD (oesophageo-gastro-duodenoscopy? er btul ka?) and colonoscopy (basically what they do is they put a small tube with an optic camera at the end of it into your body passages, like thru your anus for colonoscopy and thru mouth to stomach to duodenum for OGD, and they'll be looking for any abnormalities inside, or they'll be taking a sample of the inner lining of the gut or the anus for histology, culture, or any kind of investigations). real cool experience. last week i had the chance to see angiogram in Beaumont, and i'm looking forward to see more procedures like that. it's kind of boring with the patients as my team is attached to an endocrinology wards and doctors, so basically for the whole week last week i saw diabetes patients, one after another, both Type I and Type II, with many range of complications, from the smallest ulcers to the really unimaginable ones, and now i'm kind of sick of seeing any diabetes patients! (that was why i made my way to geriatric ward today, please, no diabetes patients anymore!)
Mohamad said "last Thursday in the out-patient department i saw 4 diabetes patients, one after another, why is it so many people in Ireland have diabetes??what's wrong with them?"
and Mary was there, haha, giving the shocking look at Mohammad, coudn't believe that he actually said that in front of her. i just laughed my lungs out. he is the kind of man that's usually doesn't realize the things he's saying are some kind of offensive for certain people.
text msg for the day is from Ola (she used Abah's mobile, kedekut gile)
"askum cu, akak tadi beli cd shrek 2, skg ni kt umah Udin jap agi balik..wei hadiah akak dah prepare?..hehe"
gilo i have to buy a lot of things for Mak, Along and Ola, er also K.Ina (Udin's wife, my sis in law) before going back, and something for Abah also. luckily i've bought something for Adik and Udin, and nice shirts for Akib (kene beli pedang star wars jugak kat dia ni, dah TERjanji). also baby stuff for Udin's new baby due this august (yey another nephew/niece!). mane nak korek duit???
(thinking of what they've done to me, it doesn't really matter if i have to starve myself for some money)