Sunday, October 22, 2006


(most loved and missed Wan Ariff Hafiy and Naqib Ikram, Iman Sofea (Pia) is not in the picture..)

I'll be leaving for Drogheda tonight. That means I'll be celebrating eid away from home in Dublin. Sulk.. T_T

Nevertheless, I'm taking this opporturnity to wish all readers a blessfull EIDUL-FITR, and SORRY BODY & SOUL, if I've ever said or did something wrong. Enjoy the day, wear some nice clothes and don't forget to eat before you go out for eid prayer ok. Make visits to friends' house and eat moderately, you don't wanna spoil the joy of eid with an unhappy stomach. Last but not least, please make du'a for our brothers and sisters in Islam in other parts of the world who's celebrating eid in every lackness that we don't even have to think about.

Enjoy the day, I'll see you on Friday inshaAllah~

Monday, October 16, 2006

I was absent from the hospital today and..

The Story

I was already freshed from the hot bath and was sitting queitly on my sajadah after fajr prayer when I decided to take the day off for a good rest. (It's Monday, and it was cold outside). Well, for some who still don't know, I can be very impulsive at times. U'll be surprised. When the aura for impulsiveness came, even the best/most important thing on earth wouldn't be able to withold me, like today, not even the teaching from my very own consultant. I'll figure out how am I going to take his signature for the end-of-rotation assessment form later, heh~

Ramadhan's leaving me..

We have come the the very last phase of ramadhan, believe it or not. I blame myself for not utilising the 2nd phase very carefully, I admit that I had a lot of times wasted on the unnecessaries. No use of regretting now, me and regrets, hmm. Now I have less than a week to struggle; all the lagged juzuk from the Quran, the abandoned night prayers, the missed zikrs; may Allah SWT forgive me and give me a lot of strengths to perform.

au revoir Connolly Hospital

I am near to finish my posting in Connolly Hospital (sad..), but the thought of having a lot of revisions overdued gave me headaches, why haven't I learn from the previous catastrophies from the bad time managements? Someone told me once when I uttered my worries on being in the final year, all it takes to succeed is to play by the rules. How true that is. Though now I think I've violated rule number one, that is to attend each given classes on any given conditions. I'll make it up for this one I promise..

Eid, what's that?

I have been reminding myself from early that this is not the year for eid. I have no spesific baju raya (after the new tailor had successfully ruined my favourite kain I bought in Cambodia, isk isk), I haven't got any kad raya, neither did I sent away any even to my family, I have no intentions in baking any kuih raya (last year I even made kuih siput from scratch he2), and the fact that I'll be away in a peripheral hospital on the week of raya itself hinders me from feeling the vibes of this year's eid. OK I admit I watched 'Diari Ramadhan Rafique' from youtube to get a little feel, but that was it. Up till today when I opened Mizah's blog and listened to the raya songs played there, all these feelings came rushing and I realized I missed every single excitements for eid being away these 5 years. I think I have come to reach my peaked treshold for this, next year remind me to fight for my rights to be with my family for eid wherever on earth I will be at that time. Enough is enough..

MOTS (that's moral of the story)

So it's true they say that absence makes the heart grows fonder. U realized how much you love and miss your family and friends when they're not around (and paradoxically got into each others necks when being together), and how fond you are on something that's always there the moment they're gone, and put a lot of hopes that you meant a little if not much to other people that your absence is being missed by them.


(Though it's also true that my absence today doesn't really make my heart grows fonder to the missed lectures, and hopes that the consultants didn't missed me and I definitely wasn't wishing for any loveletters from the hospital.

Nonetheless, it's a good rest for me today, got my moments for peace and a little love spread by making donuts. My hands still sore from kneading the doughs tho..)

So goes the entry, on the day I was absent from the hospital..

Thursday, October 12, 2006

je suis heureux, c'est fou

Today is my official happy day. I told you not a long time ago that I'll live my everyday moments carefully, I must say that it feels a lot difference doing this.

Mum sent me a very funny sms which I shared with the girls. It's so funny that I'm still smiling from it now. Then later we reached the hospital and started the tutorials. I then realized that I have the best combination of people in the group this time so far since we've been in the clinical years. I don't know whether it's just me or it's the final year syndrome or what, but it's a real nice feeling anyway. One guy has to love me by default coz I took him freebies from the drug company once, and he never stopped asking me to do it again after that (of course I resisted at times, what do you think I am? :p). The girls are so pretty one time one of them was speaking under the ray of lights from the window I thought I saw an angel talking to me. Some are so brilliant that I'm a bit confused when did they have the time to study above all the going to concerts and shows stories. Few are kind enough to share the list of good patients with great clinical signs. And the best for some would be the presence of the region's renowned rugby player in the group whom shed joy by his sleek Argentinian accents and his very humble opinions in everything. OK we know he's taken.

Other than that the atmosphere's been encouraging as well. It's a bit painful to fight over the duvet temptations every morning to go out in the cold for the most boring an hour bus journey. Once passing that, the joy is slow releasing throughout the day I must say. The line of tutors are great, you can ask the crappiest question on earth but still be answered nicely. Some are so funny I got cramps in my tummy for resisting the laughters from bursting out. The team's been good too. I have a very good registrar in the team whom I look up to and wish to become alike one day. And oh, thank you drug companies for making the average life of a medical student like me more meaningful, you equipped me with the essentials I know I need but never can afford to buy all. I have two extra tourniquets and few other stuff to spare, anyone wants 'em gimme a buzz! Sapa cepat dia dapat...

At the end of the day, it's the good circle of friends and people around you that add joy to your life. The housemates that cook good food, the friends that share jokes with you, not too forget the one that gave the kurma from own ladang, ha ha. It's the great timing of the month too, you feel like everything is too good to be wasted away. Makes me wanna smile from ear to ear, all day long. I was wondering can one gets wrinkles from smiling too much, then I realized how stupid the question was and smiled more at my foolishness.

Keep on smiling :)

Monday, October 09, 2006

owh I think I have fibromyalgia..

It's so hard to concentrate these days. If a song translates sarcasm, Daniel Powter's Bad Day certainly threw me off the wall with his connotations on his loss of passions, blue skies faded grey, and loss of magics. Hit me on the face.

One thing I do when feeling a bit deviant is putting the thoughts of final exams in my head; imagined getting an external examiner with the most intimidating look asking to demonstrate a full assessment of speech in a post-collapsed patient. Heh, I got goosebumps by just mentioning. So that works for the first 5 mins or so before my mind goes JD-Turk-Ellioty kinda way again.

We'll never stop being a student, that's the fact. Even when we've became the greatest teacher alive we're still a pupil, at least of our books if not of our life in general. The good thing of being a student while you're still a student is that there's always a second chance to everything. Mistakes are allowed to enable learning. Just don't take them for granted and you'll be fine.

My friend once blurted out her sickening thoughts on how there's so much to learn in this short time before the exam and how sick and tired she was being. How true can she be. It's sickening. The brain hurts so much from thinking and the body sores from running from one place to another. If my stomach was weak I'd regurgitate every little thoughts that nauseated me. Luckily I've promised myself that I'll be a bit more matured this time (and I'm still an optimist). The journey's gonna be tough like it or not. Doing final year is hard enough imagine how tough an intern life can be? So I might just wanna enjoy the ride, make pranks on it, fight the tears and hover the vomitus and pray hard enough I'll sail thru this one before another bump comes over.

Afterall, I don't think anybody ever die from taking final exams aight?

Saturday, October 07, 2006

the lesser gender? (for all the MCPs out there..)

Firstly, I'm not a feminist. Neither can I remain in silence if someone badmouthed about my gender. I must admit that my crucial years of development were spent at a single sex school, which environment promotes one to have a full confidence in oneself, go out and stand up against the crowd regardless of their races and gender. We had been champions for years in our basketball team defeating the chinese schools around KL and other boarding schools in Msia, we even defeated some famous male schools around KL in dikir barat (and caused the famous male tukang karut to faint, the moment I'll never forget..hehe..good job Mizah n gang). The point is, in the years the school had created a system that nurtures the students to go out having the confidence to face most of the modern challenges nowadays (regardless whether the students would be able to pick it up or not in the end). So the point of the point is, I have a very stern background of going against racists and also male chauvinists. Heh.

I believe that Allah SWT has created human beings in a very unique and correct proportions that one person is a complement to the other and vice versa. The world goes in rounds, so thus human. And we have this sunnatullah, the rules that the creatures should abide in clear conscious or not for the smooth sailings of the life. So don't wonder too much how destructions and war happens, clearly people are being a lil naughty and not following the rules.

When it comes to gender issues, I have always been holding on to what I have in me from my previous exposures, which almost definitely creates my inner stand on this issue. I don't read the book "Men from Mars, Women from Venus" and such FYI. Though I agree, scientifically and also by observations, a lot of the facts are indeed true. It's just that when people attenuating the facts and started making them as a way of generalization, I think that's when they hit the first red cross. We are not the same although we're of the same XX chromosomes. Genetically, biochemically (in proportions I mean), physically, emotionally. I may liked to play masak-masak with my anak patung when I was a kid and my female friend loved polis sentri. Siti loves to collect cute teddy bears and wear pink dresses while Lina prefers car miniatures and baggy pants. Do that makes me and Siti more girly and my friend and Lina a deviant female? Well it does in the heads of the MCPs I know. He he. Oh an MCP is a Male Chauvinist Person if you don't know.

Having said that, and up in my opening statement, am not a feminist either. I am certainly against these female activists who fight for gender equality. For the second time I have to mention, MALE AND FEMALE ARE NOT THE SAME. Both have weaknesses and strengths in various areas of life. Taking a field which is dear to me as an example, the medical field. To start with, how many male students are there in a class (Let's not take overseas classes as an example shall we? Let's stick with our old Msian meritocracy system in school.) Not many, right? From my observations in Msia, there's overloading female medical students with scanty males; and most males that made it to the faculty can either be very smart, nerd but intelligent, too boastful, baik and alim, or going to the very negative end (and fastly becoming very common), a bit in lackness of Y chromosomes if you know what I mean. Yet, it's still from this rare species the students rely on as a leader or class rep of their class despite many brilliant and supreme female students. Make sense? No?

Going a bit further. Doctors. Obviously more female doctors graduated from med school than male ones, as we have a big number to start from the very beginning. In practise I think female junior doctors still predominates guys. But how many female doctors make it to the top and become consultant in a hospital instead? Not many! Are you confused now? Why is this bizarre phenomenon happens?

Well, the answer to why the girls chose Mamat the nerd medical student as their class rep over other girls who seemed a more competent leader, and why out of 20 mixed gender junior doctors there's only 1 female doctor and 6 male became consultant specialists in the end is not rocket science if you think about it. It's all sunnatullah. The girls clearly had realized of how the most brilliant girl in the class with good leadership values can become all hormonal hence emotional at times which can affects her judgements. And in the medical career, female docs tend to back down a little when she started thinking about family and raising kids, thus the sacrifices in this context are on us. One doctor mum can raise up 3-5 kids who inshaAllah will be of the same profession or of the same qualities later if things go properly I promise. We are the hands that rocks the cradles. So, ARE WE STILL A LESSER GENDER though we're not the leader of a class or the famous thoracic surgeon in the hospital now? NEVER!

Because the key is the complementing system that Allah creates to balance things around. Even the grestest man in the world can't cope without the presence of a woman (sunnatullah, unless he's going against the current). And the toughest and macho-est woman needs a man in her life. For every great man, there's always a woman behind him, sounds familiar? Being superior than other is so subjective when people below you are actually doing their works accordingly, sometimes greater stuff than you do. It is indeed a perfect system already, it's always us human that tends to bleak. So again, we have been created so differently so that in the end we can complement each other in the beneficial kinda ways.

I may end this healthy (I supposed) arguement with a cartoon I received from Ola a while a go. Something to smirk at.

No heart feeling guys, bulan puasa tak baik marah..he he..


Sunday, October 01, 2006

optimiste pour l'avenir

One week passes by so slowly. Ramadhan Mubarak peeps! I wasn't fully ready for this fasting month last Sunday, now it's Sunday again. The week wasn't so bad to be honest, it's just that I have issues with my time management.

I've started my medicine rotation in Connolly Hospital on Monday. It's a superb hospital. Well if you're from RCSI, this is the hospital you'd want to put on top of your application list for internships. (Waterford's second). The new wings are opened, there are not so many patients, great learning opportunities, great doctors and renowned consultants, good study environment, great research opportunities, etc. The amount of knowledge gained the first week there is equally the same for 4 weeks in Beaumont Hospital. Let's not talk about Beaumont. It'll kill the good air.

So the days were occupied with tutorials and consultant teachings. We went to see patients in between classes, finished the compulsory OSCE, do OSLER with the tutors, attended ward rounds and clinics; at the end of the day I was wearied and unmoved on the bed once I'm back home. Soreness physically and more mentally. I wish I had more than 24 hours in a day. I know I can't. There's more stuff to do. My life isn't just about medicine. (Though it seems predominantly is at the moment).

I don't know how people do it. I think I'm fit enough to endure the day. And yet I'm left with aches and panda eyes. It's about balancing the surge of enthusiasms in learning and the amount of energy there to serve. Take supplements? Gym? Yoga? Retail therapy? Hehe.. (I missed yesterday's 7a.m NEXT sale, thanks to people who made me think twice before I pour my money out unnecessarily)

Luckily it's Ramadhan, the month of blessings. And I'm an optimist. Heh. So I'm gonna take things as it is. I figure the best way to be happy is to live every moments while I'm at it. While it doesn't stop me from thinking about the future, it surely helps making my life became more meaningful. Du'as, tahajjuds, Quran recitations, family and friends, a good walk, great food, comfy duvet, laptop and S3 IS, tv and Grey's isn't worth to be gloomed about.

(I didn't mentioned books did I?)