all well ends well
My Beaumont era is technically semi-officially over for me. Why semi-? Coz we still have to go for Prof Bukit's extra classes in the hospital on Saturdays starting next week. He just can't get enough of us can't he? On the other hand I think I was a bit sad leaving medicine and surgery. I am sucking for more medicine. Alhamdulillah the last month had been such an eye opener for me and now I think I know where I wanna lavish my passions into. Hopefully the same feelings will last till I start working. We had a small meet up on the last day, how good it is to see everyone's faces again. Upon cutting her birthday cake a friend said 'I wish that we will all graduate together.' It scares me sometimes thinking about any dark possibilities, afterall we started together and have been together all along. May Allah swt shows us the way and gives us the strength to strive to succeed.
It was a perfect end nonetheless.
So today I've officially commenced my paediatrics rotation. Not bad. It would've been better if not for the headache I had all day long. I blamed the unwise action of abrupt caffeine withdrawal, plus the low sugar level from the fasting. It was so severe I thought I had meningitis, heh. Tears started strolling down my eyes from the pain when I bent down for praying. I asked forgiveness from Allah swt, if only the pains could erase my previous sins and wrongdoings. Fortunate enough it went away after Paracetamol 500mg, Loratadine 10mg and a 4 hours sleep leaving me with just puffy eyes. I wouldn't be typing this junks if I'm still in pain anyway..baik tido..
So I'm looking forward for another good rotation. This is the real deal. Another 3 months to endure and I'm as good as fulfilling my 8 years old dream. Pray for me and be prepared to get sick of reading my weekly trash talking on my current life. You guys've been so good all these while.
Peace out~
It was a perfect end nonetheless.
So today I've officially commenced my paediatrics rotation. Not bad. It would've been better if not for the headache I had all day long. I blamed the unwise action of abrupt caffeine withdrawal, plus the low sugar level from the fasting. It was so severe I thought I had meningitis, heh. Tears started strolling down my eyes from the pain when I bent down for praying. I asked forgiveness from Allah swt, if only the pains could erase my previous sins and wrongdoings. Fortunate enough it went away after Paracetamol 500mg, Loratadine 10mg and a 4 hours sleep leaving me with just puffy eyes. I wouldn't be typing this junks if I'm still in pain anyway..baik tido..
So I'm looking forward for another good rotation. This is the real deal. Another 3 months to endure and I'm as good as fulfilling my 8 years old dream. Pray for me and be prepared to get sick of reading my weekly trash talking on my current life. You guys've been so good all these while.
Peace out~