Monday, January 29, 2007

all well ends well

My Beaumont era is technically semi-officially over for me. Why semi-? Coz we still have to go for Prof Bukit's extra classes in the hospital on Saturdays starting next week. He just can't get enough of us can't he? On the other hand I think I was a bit sad leaving medicine and surgery. I am sucking for more medicine. Alhamdulillah the last month had been such an eye opener for me and now I think I know where I wanna lavish my passions into. Hopefully the same feelings will last till I start working. We had a small meet up on the last day, how good it is to see everyone's faces again. Upon cutting her birthday cake a friend said 'I wish that we will all graduate together.' It scares me sometimes thinking about any dark possibilities, afterall we started together and have been together all along. May Allah swt shows us the way and gives us the strength to strive to succeed.

It was a perfect end nonetheless.

So today I've officially commenced my paediatrics rotation. Not bad. It would've been better if not for the headache I had all day long. I blamed the unwise action of abrupt caffeine withdrawal, plus the low sugar level from the fasting. It was so severe I thought I had meningitis, heh. Tears started strolling down my eyes from the pain when I bent down for praying. I asked forgiveness from Allah swt, if only the pains could erase my previous sins and wrongdoings. Fortunate enough it went away after Paracetamol 500mg, Loratadine 10mg and a 4 hours sleep leaving me with just puffy eyes. I wouldn't be typing this junks if I'm still in pain anyway..baik tido..

So I'm looking forward for another good rotation. This is the real deal. Another 3 months to endure and I'm as good as fulfilling my 8 years old dream. Pray for me and be prepared to get sick of reading my weekly trash talking on my current life. You guys've been so good all these while.

Peace out~

Monday, January 22, 2007

[Sûrah Yasîn: 65]

Blue mosque in macro

There's this one very beautiful Indonesian song that was given to me from a friend I barely knew over the internet not a long time ago. Mostly, the song describes about how on the judgement day when our mouths would be sealed and our hands and feet bear witness to our actions we've committed in our previous lives on earth. It's just that the thought of it sent shivers to my spines, seriously.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said in the long hadîth about the Day of Resurrection:
…Then a third one will be brought and Allah will say to him as He said before. And he will reply: “O, my Lord, I affirmed my faith in You and in Your Book and in Your Messenger and I observed prayer and fasted and gave in charity…” and he will speak in good terms like this as far as he will be able to do.

And Allah will say: “Shall We will not bring fourth our witnesses against you?”

The man will think in his mind who is it that would bear witness against him. Then his mouth would have a seal set upon it and his thigh will be commanded to speak. Then his thighs, his flesh, and his bones will bear witness to his deeds.

This is the hypocrite, and this will be done so that he should not be able to make any excuse for himself, and he it is whom Allah’s wrath will be upon.

[Sahîh Muslim: (2968)]
And Allah knows best~

Saturday, January 20, 2007

week 3: survived

Are you guys not sick of reading my weekend rants already? He he.

I would want to give the heartiest welcome to the new year of Hijri calendar, 1 Muharam 1428H, hopefully this year comes out so much better than the previous years.

I survived the 3rd week of medicine, leaving me another one to go before going into Paediatrics. I'm doing nephrology now and I'm missing cardiology badly (the consultant and the team). I think I dig my Cardio rotation so much that got me to consider doing it as an alternative, that's if I don't stick to my plan of doing Paeds. I don't know, I planned and changed my plan and re-plan, in the end it's in Him the destiny lies. I might end up doing one of the dodgy ones that never crossed my mind. Who knows.

The week has getting more intense and my sleep quality is going downhill with that. I was awake for more than 5 times throughout my 5.30 hours sleep in a night. Not to mention the odd dreams I had, some were very weird that affected my mood for the day. I should stop thinking too much on the stuff I read before I sleep, seriously. I should've known it's the glomerulonephritis and Cockroft-Gault equation that's causing the troubles all these while.

To top that one up, the wave of homesick feelings kept coming and hitting me hard on the face this time too. I suddenly realized the moments I've been missing being away from my family from the point of entering boarding school back in donkey years up till now. They say life is all about sacrifice. I wish they were wrong.

Anyway, mum sent me this one alongwith the text message for the 1st Muharam reminder, kene berkorban sikit biasala kalau x pecah royong mana nak dapat sagunya..

I was like, royong?

She was right nonetheless, they say you should always listen to your mum..

Saturday, January 13, 2007

life should be as soothing as a cuppa hot apple tea

Oh another weekend! I've ended my rotation with the Cardiology team. When the consultant asked me whether I have any comments on the rotation I simply said, "This is by far the best rotation I've ever had," without a single doubt. He answered, "Oh you said that just to make me feel good aren't you." He he. It was in fact the best one, by far! Did I mention I think Cardiology is the most superior speciality in medicine? Of every single management and treatment regime is thoroughly researched, and I remember a Cardiologist in Connoly Hospital was saying, "Not to mention this but you could see that most cardiologists are the ones with the best look and the best personality of all doctors in the hospital," while smoothly sliding his hair up in between his fingers. He he.

I watched The Pursuit of Happyness last night and couldn't helped myself to cry a bucketful of tears. Maybe the movie reminded me of the hardships my parents been through raising me and my siblings up. Which brought me to remember this old patient I saw yesterday who said to me, "My husband died when my youngest child was 7 years old so I avoided myself to becoming ill at any times, I worked hard, I lead a healthy life and I only have God so I prayed and always pray; all just for my children's sake. So I was never been in the hospital till now. And I'm happy that my children are all very successfull now." An echocardiogram showed that she has a tumour in her heart (atrial myxoma; a very rare condition). Hmm touched, so mari kita sama2 mendoakan mak ayah kita mendapat balasan syurga di akhirat atas segala pengorbanan mereka. ( I wanna be a good mum one day..)

I got up with headache and blocked nose today. Luckily it was relieved by a cuppa hot apple tea stirred with a spoonfull of honey. And it's weekend everyone, I can finally have my peaceful breakfast of toasts with cheese and olives..I'm still in my mediterranean mood if you don't know..

Monday, January 08, 2007

giggle away and show me your bright set of teeth :)

We have a few Malay senior registrars in the hospital that we never spoke with, just exchanging smiles once in a while when bumped into each other. Today one of them said Hi to my friends and introduced himself. Here's the story of it.

"Hi, my name is Ahmad. You two final med?"

"Yep. Oh I heard there's 2 Ahmads here."

"Yep there's a hot Ahmad, and a sweet Ahmad."

"So which one are you?"

"I'm the sweet one..."

It later came to their minds that he was saying he's the sweet Ahmad (specialized in Diabetes) not the HEART Ahmad (not hot!!). Clearly these girls had something in their minds while speaking with him. Hi hi hi...

*Ahmad is a total fabrication for a name

Saturday, January 06, 2007

dear weekend please come more often

Happy New Year 2007 everyone.

Resolutions are something I don't sit and think about. They come naturally in my mind and my prayers, thus I don't need a spesific time to encrypt my goals of the year. Though I salute you who enlist your resolutions, really. Nevertheless, you might figure there's one thing I wish would come true halfway this year, please pray for me that it will indeed come true (oh please please do).

I'm still in Beaumont Hospital, this time doing my final month of medicine. At times I wanted the day to pass more rapidly so that by no time it's weekend again, but another time I was afraid if weekend came more often I'd be nearer to the exam and by no means I'm ready for it, not yet. Such a twisted mind you say.

Life during weekdays is hectic. There's a lot of works to do in a very limited time. It's hard enough to please ownself what more others on the level I'm working now. It's even harder to figure out at what point shall I pace slow after exerting myself in order to work through this seemingly very difficult ordeals and at the same time not overdo my limit. Do mind me if I'm being edgy at times. Fortunately a lot of changes been going on; of some so great and also very bad that they kind of made life more interesting. I'd say 2007 would be the year. Not on me solely but prolly more on others.

Come weekend it's time to have my moments for peace of mind. I need a good sleep seriously, a lot of it. I need a good laugh, I need my peaceful breakfast, I need you...