Monday, January 08, 2007

giggle away and show me your bright set of teeth :)

We have a few Malay senior registrars in the hospital that we never spoke with, just exchanging smiles once in a while when bumped into each other. Today one of them said Hi to my friends and introduced himself. Here's the story of it.

"Hi, my name is Ahmad. You two final med?"

"Yep. Oh I heard there's 2 Ahmads here."

"Yep there's a hot Ahmad, and a sweet Ahmad."

"So which one are you?"

"I'm the sweet one..."

It later came to their minds that he was saying he's the sweet Ahmad (specialized in Diabetes) not the HEART Ahmad (not hot!!). Clearly these girls had something in their minds while speaking with him. Hi hi hi...

*Ahmad is a total fabrication for a name