Saturday, March 31, 2007

congratulations my love

I received a great news from home few days ago . It's my bestest friend ever, who has managed to endure all the disastrous years of med school, now proudly has attained the title in front of her name. We have been through a lot, I can't begin to describe every precious moment we had together. As gay as this might sound; here's to the craziest, most genius, very (I mean VERY) interesting family members, the one who sticks with me the most in hardness, the one who elaborate my happiness, the companion, the planet's funniest creature (creature heh heh), my punching bag & my shoulder to cry on~

Dr Sharifah Sarah Syed Mohd Alwi, M.D (UKM)

As per evident, she blended in the poster very well. I told ya she's fun. Ha ha how I miss her very very much..