Friday, June 22, 2007

my girls

I wasn't planning on writing anything till I safely reached Dublin but reading Shera's special entry moved me beyond my contained emotions. I don't think I can recall the night-in-the-making precisely better than her, (I mean knowing her this long and admiring her wisdoms in Malay writings - anak didik Faisal Tehrani ni!); mostly due to the never ending moments of pure joy I always have being with my SSP girls that sometimes made the time just stop ticking, plus the mixed feelings I'm trying to suppress inside me now; all that prevented me to remember the best moments I went through being at home for 9 days. Thanks to her, they are now overflowing..

I know I've missed (and am gonna miss somemore) one hella lot of major events with regards to my girls. I mean we're not even that many - only 84 people in the batch! So yeah, keeping each other's stories up to date shouldn't be a problem you said. Well, unlike these girls, some people are plain me; morons in keeping friends. So God has arranged it nicely that morons like me befriend angelic people like these girls so that friends won't lose touch with each other. So I really thank Allah SWT for making me one of their friends and sisters, I really really do!

Girls (the ones who came, called and sent their thoughts), I had a lot of fun that night, I ate A LOT (Dublin mana ada steamboat weh) and I don't even care that I had major diarrhea upon reaching home (coz I know it was the shittakee mushrooms that took me down not you), I treasured every moment being with you girls that I totally ignored the world around me, I didn't care the makciks that gave us the look when we made a lot of noises, I am deeply touched that you girls rushed to meet me in your working attires in heavy rains, I am truly honoured to be your friend that you never tired of seeing each time I go home for my break, and most importantly I know that I always have you girls to turn to at all times. Thank you, beyond words can explain..

As promised Shahirah, especially for you! :)

This will definitely make the back-to-Dublin process harder. I hate this change, I think it sucks!!! (sulking big time)

p/s: Anem thanks for planning this and picking me up, seriously kau kene ajar aku jalan KL next time!!