Sunday, June 24, 2007

que sera sera

The last goodbye for this time was in fact the hardest amongst those in the last 5 years. Mainly due to the facts that;

  • I traveled back on my own
  • I entered the new place alone
  • It was pin-drop silent, cold and plain empty in here although filled with those boxes of unpacked stuff
  • The break was plain insufficient
  • I'm not ready for work, not at all!
  • I miss my family so damn much the feeling's unbearable..

I felt numb along the journey, almost half-dead, even the most inspiring words of Muhammad Asad's The Road to Mecca couldn't bring the life in me. People kept repeating their sentences when talking to me, I guess it really showed from the face. I wandered aimlessly in Frankfurt Main just to kill the time in transit period, following my feet with my thoughts everywhere but with me, and in the end almost missing my flight to Dublin. I safely reached Dublin don't worry, and it was the same cold, gloomy and rainy summer in Dublin. Great..

Oh well, que sera sera. (whatever will be, will be)

With prayers and hopes, here's to the new step into adulthood. (work & commitments)

* * *

On another note, Happy Birthday to my big sis. She's been truly my bestest friend, my enemy, my punching bag most of the time, my role model, my almost everything from the moment I was a kid till now. I owe her a lot by mainly physically abusing her (when I was a little) and her money (now). I wish her good health and wealth, a successful career pathway and unconfused love life, with love and blessings from Allah SWT. Sila lah kahwin cepat2 supaya Acu boleh kahwin pulak ha haa kidding.. I miss her a lot, and still hating her for her confident salon touch on my hair, lucky her, hair can grow (and with the new technologies there's hair extensions some more). I will miss her dearly each time I look in the mirror for as long as I don't get my 'usual' hair look back. I hate you!

I need to unpack the stuff, clean the house and cook the dishes. Haven't been doing any of those eversince the parents were in Dublin last time. This is gonna be hard. I want mommyyy!!! T_T (look like there's no slightest hope I'm gonna grow up)