Saturday, June 09, 2007

we grow through changes

I realized that I needed some changes in my life, good changes I mean. If only I didn't despise maths so much and paid extra attentions in school, I could've calculated my cumulative achievements or deducted my loss and failures, and then produced few graphs of my life performance levels over the years in different headings I'd want them to be and analyzed myself in a more efficient way. Hypothetically.

I know I've been through some major changes in life, and about to commit in few more in near future. Honestly I'm having little doubts about them, I mean seriously, this is nothing like putting down the name on the school play/drama list when you can reconsider the role given and opt-out whenever you don't feel like it. But putting more thoughts on that, I realized that it's almost time to take part in this whole grown up things and be real, like Mr Spidey used to say - with great power comes great responsibilities. OK you can laugh all you want for my very grown-up quote from a grown-up superhero. Whatever.

So for a start, I did some changes on this blog. I figure you probably have been tired from my previous orange appearance, so here's a new simpler and hopefully more mature look of me. Feel free to leave a message/comment or two.

For some who have been wondering where did Shouta came from (and made some wild guesses on me being a Japanese addict and such), well in truth things are not that complicated. In form 4 when the school had an exchange students programme with a Japanese school, I was given to care for a Japanese boy named Shouta. Things worked a bit funny at that time, the fact that I didn't know any words in the language except for ohaiyogozaimasu, konnichiwa and buta (blame the fellow Japs students for the last one hehe) and he didn't know a lot of English but good enough when compared to his Japs friends. I remember he was the captain of his school's soccer team and when I brought him to shoot some hoops and he failed at some attempts he mentioned, "No basketoball, I'm a socca playa.." He he. We had fun the whole day though. That was when the name sticks on me for some of my friends. And that's that.

So I'm hoping for some great changes to happen in future and pray that I can become someone that go changing the lives of others. Literally. May Allah help me..