A good movie is the one that never fails to push your emotion buttons correctly all through though watching over and over again. (OK I cried at the scene when Gandalf fell into the Shadow in the cave of Moria. I was watching the movie alone and was damn lonely and scared. So what?)
Great to hear some news from
Aneesa. The job I'm doing here is nothing physically challenged as the jobs my friends are doing at home. I mean it is just physically demanding - long hours of working and 7 days a week job with on-calls on every other day. Man. I salute you guys I really do.
Doing what I'm doing now (5 days a week, on-call 3 times per month +/- weekends) I've already lost some of my interests in food (hospital food that is - not so appealing), things beside medicine (on the way to re-developing my interest back) and of course social life. I can't imagine how'd my life be at home.
The thing is, different place promises different things for you. Here I would say it is more mentally demanding (at least for me). You start with jobs that you do blindly, but not long after that everything needs some reasonings. With no good reasoning skills jobs can never get done. You have to struggle to be en par with your Western colleagues who seem to cope very well with their own people. On some days it says - Oh let me help you lovely Asian Doctor - and proceed, and on another it is - This is one of the most ridiculous request I've ever heard, I don't know if this gonna change the management at all, and whom do you say you work with again?!?! -
And being me, who don't tolerate rejections with weak excuses very well, I tend to get frustrated very easily. So at times I pack my lunch and eat it in the prayer room as an escapade, at least I don't twist my tongue speaking English while eating my bland sandwiches.
At those times you really wish you're at home working 7 days a week and on-call on every other night. At least you'll eat rice with nice dishes and air buah, satay or mee mamak; basically gratify your appetite with your own Eastern rations whenever you're sad or frustrated, and see your family once in a short while. Life makes more sense that way you think?
Oh well, either way it is gonna be tough on its own different way. So what do you do? Swallow the pills and embrace the journey..
It is indeed like Frodo Baggins the ring bearer on a first part of the trilogy, the journey's still long, even thinking about it tires your mind, you know there's gonna be good at the end of it, but until you're there, the dark journey shall continues...
OK a very bad analogy I know. I'm just swamped watching the movie for God-knows how many times now.