Monday, September 17, 2007

selamat berpuasa, minta maaf ye..

Ramadhan Mubarak everyone!

I started the month back in my old team. Just when my heart has fallen into the new team fully, I have to restart things all over again. It's hard, the dynamic of team somehow feels a bit off. Nonetheless, who am I to complaint. Dah kuli kan..

Luckily there are friends for quick comfort measures. Probably one of those blessings in disguise..

Doing on-call when you're fasting is way too challenging. At the end of the night when my sugar's a bit low (from just breaking the fast with water and nothing else) and my temper's gone elsewhere but with me (too tired to be mad), I uttered the words to my colleague - You're either gonna die young having a sexually transmitted disease, or being the 1st medical intern on-call tonight - I was exaggerating though.

I made a promise to myself to stop looking at those cute things on the wards, OK to be exact those tall and tanned scruffy curly hair thing with cute accent. MashaAllah, jaga mata..

The other part of coming out from a difficult situation i.e a tough night on-call, the pressuring team members, etc - is the treat for self-reward. I remember spending more than 50bucks on stupid sundries in the hypermart after having a tough day. And coming home feeling even worse when thinking about the money stupidly spent. You know one of those gratification that works in a mysterious way when you're reaching out on the stuff displayed on the shelves. Women, haish..

This time on-call I bought myself the real reward I've been waiting for. As for now as long as I smell like amber and rose, I'm a one happy miserable intern..

So hope you guys have a blessed Ramadhan. InshaAllah we'll work our way through this, hopefully it'll be one of the best months we've had.