Monday, April 12, 2004

morning blues

Another 2 days to go for the school to reopen after a week break of Easter Holiday..for the past 4 days I’ve been wasting my times doing nothing, man I really should work on something that could bring benefits to me and my life..and my life is my religion..aku ni lain berlumba lumba pi menuntut ilmu agama..ilmu duniawi ada depan mata..ilmu ukhrawi bukan senang nak dapat..yang susah tu lah yang berharga sangat..


First thing’s first..i called home this morning..finally after a week of trying to get into the line but failed..i had a long chat with Mak, she was on MC for the day as she went to see the doctor for regular check up..she has kidney stones, and due for laser treatment (again) next week..wish her the best, I’ll always send my prayers for U Mak! genetics stuff, Arwah Pak Tuk (grandpa) had it also..

“masa duk Dungun (T’ganu) dulu selalu sgt makan udang ngan sotong (seafood) tu yg kene batu karang..” hehe..Mak always says that..and it’s true..yelah dah duk dekat ngan laut..we seldom ate chickens as meals, no financial reasons wut so ever, it’s just that Mak doesn’t eat chicken that much...she always has this doubt on the slaughtering manners of the animals that should be slaughtered the religion’s way..suruh bela ayam ngan lembu sendiri taknak pulak..haha..usually she had to see the people who does the slaughterings then only she’ll be satisfied and eat the chicken, or beef, wuteveritwas..itu yang buat hati jadi bersih..malangnye anak2 dia tak ikut jejak langkah Mak..

we talked, the usual things..and as usual I asked her about any plan of coming here to Dublin (tak sabar nak tunjuk Mak kolej yg kecik tu and city center yg lebey kurang macam Bandar kajang je..haha)..Mak asked me whether I do enjoy it being in the hospital..very much indeed, though I’m kind of sick of travelling by bus!and again I tell her bout plans of joining MERCY and going on missions, testing her again with my words..haha..mentioning about the IMAM’s trip to Jordan again, though it is cleared I had no permission on that..

"orang nak jadi cam Dokter Jemilah (President of MERCY M'sia) tu..”..i played her..

“Doktor Jemilah ke sape2 la org lain yg pegi dia dah ade ramai kita Acu sorg la yg baru nak jadi..nanti sape la pulak nak rawat Mak kalau Acu pegi missions..”

“haha nanti Acu hire la nurse sorg jaga Mak..bukan lama pun pi..seminggu dua je..(bunyi cam poyo jek)”

“seminggu Acu pegi seminggu la Mak tak gerak..”

“Mak nak risau apa..kalau dah ajal kat mane2 pun mati jugak…kat Mesia ke..kat Dublin ke..”..(pandainya mulut cakap..iman dah lengkap ke?amal dah cukup ke?)

All the mother-daughter kind of talks..jodoh?hehe as usual this old lady always worries of her only daughter (of all) that has no guy in her life yet..Adik pun lagi advance..(Firdaus, just finished his SPM) I being choosy??K.Luli once told me,

“bagus sebenarnye memilih ni, maknanye kita akan cari org yg ada qualities yg kita suke aje..dan kita akan cuba elakkan yg kita tak nak..”

I agree with that..bukan memilih, takkan nak say yes to anybody yg offer kan? Kene timbang the qualities, outer and inner, the latter being the most important..i remember this quotation,

“Kalau nak cari yg kaya, dapatla kekayaan dia, kalau nak cari pasangan yg cantik, dapatla yg cantik aje..tapi kalau cari yg ada IMAN, insya Allah dapat semua…”

insya Allah..

Mak was kind of jesting when she said

“senang2 amek je la “X” ni (bukan nama sebenar), kawan Angah kat UIA, skang buat PhD, ade degree ilmu wahyu..haritu putus tunang..kesian..”

ewah2 am I some kind of rebound equipment??hehe..i know this guy Mak was talking about..he was in Tangkak during Angah’s wedding..jadi saksi time Angah nikah..baik sgt..rasa tak padan..maklumla..aku ni tak smpi tahap tu lagi..tunggula..the time is not here yet..(hey I’m just 20 ok)..when the time comes, and I’ll be well-equipped all I can do is PRAY for the right guy..

nak cerita pasal jodoh smpi esok tak habis

and today I got the chance to talk to Naqib, my cute and chubby little nephew..Along came to the house after fetching him from his pre-school..(he goes to the pre-school in Mak’s primary school, that actually meant for 6 yrs old children, though he’s only 5..tapi perangai macam budak besar!)

Naqib: Acu jangan lupe belikan mainan untuk Akib tau..beli baju spiderman yang ade keluar spiderweb kat tangan dia tu..beli saiz besar sikit..sebab Akib ni dah gemuk tau Acu..

Geramnye ngan si becok ni!

And I was shocked when he said

Naqib: Acu boleh tak tolong belikan Akib laptop yg untuk orang besar punye..laptop Akib ni tak bestla..Acu belikan Akib laptop macam yang Acu dengan Ola (3rd sibs) punye tu..yang ada tempat tengok CD tu..laptop Akib ni game je banyak..Akib nak tengok CD kat laptop Akib..

I was laughing so hard hearing this..budak2 zaman sekarang..kecik2 dah main laptop..aku ni masuk universiti baru merasa..(Mak and Abah are really pampering this child..spoil la nanti bile besar..a laptop on his 5th b’day??—> children learning laptop..with games and all..aku dulu dapat teddybear sekor pun dah ade hati nak demand laptop org besar pulak..)

At this moment I am so badly want to go home!!but I’m not the kind of person that likes to do the countdown of days to go..lagi sengsara jiwa..i let ‘em come naturally I guess..

Aiyark perut dah bunyi..have to eat now..been ‘fasting’ since morning..

Little quotation from the little man that gives huge meaning to me..

“Acu bila Acu balik nanti Akib tak payahla pegi school tau nanti..Akib temankan Acu duduk rumah..takkan Acu nak duduk sorg2 kat rumah…”

haha nice try..