Thursday, August 26, 2004

what I'll miss most from home

there goes the list

1. of course the faces of the people in the house, Mak to the most, I realized that she is the most important person in my life now

2. the tantalizing smells from the kitchen

3. playing video game with Naqib and amuses him with my new achievements

4. Naqib asking me odd questions like "Acu, kenapa ayam ada tulang?" or "Macam mana Allah cipta CD?", one time he even asked his mummy "Macam mana Allah cipta baby?" (*_*)

5. listening to Naqib's stories of his friends or teachers at school-- "kawan Akib yg nama Yusof tu kan..." and " ada Ustaz baru kat kelas mengaji Akib, muka hensem tapi bawak motor buruk je, bunyi bek bek bek"... uh that kid..

6. the moments Along or Angah comes to the house after work and messes the nice evening with stories from their workplace

7. my arguement with Abah over putting Tomato our cat in the cage earlier at night. I always hate it to see animals being locked in a cage.

8. Mak's nagging over my messy room which she ended up doing all the tidy works

9. Along's phone calls asking me "What would U like to eat tonight?"

10. Ola, Adik and I went out on late Saturday nights to find CD rompak in Serdang for the late night movie in the house

11. me lazing around in the house, simply doing nothing, without my parents saying a word about it

12. the nice evenings when Mak cooked all the great kuih muih that I longed to eat

13. me being a total potato couch in front of the telly watching the channel Discovery Travel and Adventure awing at the magnificent places of the world

It"ll took me forever to put them all into a list. What a great holidays it was.