Tuesday, August 03, 2004

weekend of thoughts

the weekend's over. i woke up on Saturday only to find the whole family was downstairs (except for Ola), waiting for Mak to be back from school to cook Assam Pedas for lunch. it was funny as most of us i think know how to cook assam pedas and all ingrediants were already being laid down on the kitchen's table but still mom's hands were needed for that occasion. so the big family lunch was held, now i get the idea of how important for each small family to be living close together (reconsidering the idea of living in Dubai or Sabah or anywhere far, :p). and i realized that how grown up my sis and bro now with their own families, and how busy they are with their own works, they still need the sight of my parents in front of their eyes for everyday in their lives. believe it if i tell u that they all come to this house everyday, and maybe twice or more on weekends. and the house seriously felt empty if they didn't come in a day. i can now understand how lonely it is to be living without the people u used to lived with. Good Lord, Allah the Almighty, i pray for my parents' good health and longevity so i could do the same thing when i have my own family one day. ameen.

i was invited to Dr. Siti A's house in Kajang for the kenduri cum pre-departure programme for the new students on Sunday. i met familiar faces over there, the same Dublin friends, but there were juniors that are going to Ireland and few to UK too. so while eating and chit chatting they were asking the same questions to the seniors on the preparations and how things go over there, etc. at the end of the day, i was still not believing that i'm already a senior entering my 3rd Medical Year, and i was still getting used to be called K.Shu or calling myself 'akak' when talking to them. it felt awkward. bukan nak perasan muda, i just felt awkward. maybe for few years after leaving high-school, there weren't anyone calling me akak and suddenly it has come the time when i got juniors again, oh man time really flies.

i expected this week to be quite a hectic week for me. we'll see.