Saturday, July 31, 2004

the end to begin with

it's weekend again
and u wonder how fast time passes by

today i am officially a MERCY volunteer, and i never felt so right in doing something like i did today. though the journey to Ampang seemed forever, my body was relaxing as i was enjoying the scenery, and my basic instinct was never so good, i was as calm as the sea. reaching there i called my friend who's currently working there and we met upstairs. there weren't anything that i could help as she has done most works before she went back home yesterday so i was just being introduced to the place and people. they were nice people over there, and their sincerity shone on the face. i always adore those people who spend their lives feeding the mouths of the disables, sacrificing their own precious times and needs to think about the happiness of the others. and one day i hope i'll be one. inshaAllah i will.

(they are sending a team to Sudan for medical relief works. prayers for them, and for the entire Ummah)

later in the afternoon i went to PWTC for the PC Fair, met up with Nisa and her lil sister. an hour of walking in the ocean of people, i was already like throwing up (i had an empty stomach since morning). so we grabbed the things we wanna buy and escaped. i had a printer and a pendrive, with some freegifts. we then went eating at Pizza Hut, and it was my first M'sian Pizza Hut of the year. and the gr8 part was it was Nisa's treat :p (thanks dude!). so was my day.

and the weekend really comes again. it's been a good week isn't it?