Thursday, July 29, 2004

makan + shopping= I'M DEAD

megasale telah bermula
tangan pun dah gatal

Today was purely for shopping and eating, astaghfirullah camne la nak kurus ni.

I went out to OU with Nisa and the normal thing of women meet shops happened. man i should've put the bank card in the drawer, lock it and dump the whole armoire in the sea.

We ate at the Arena and the Ipoh Curry Noodle instantly made me bloated that revealed my already rounded abdomen. (thinking of trying the new slimming pills..cheishh)

I went back at half five after having my big gulp of the delicious Ice Blended Mocha at Starbucks, real worth of money! (and worth my extra 3kg of fat)

Then at half eight after sending Naqib to his Iqra' class Along and I went to IOI Mall

I did some ______ again, please fill in the blank (wut else??it's MEGASALE my dear!!!)

Then the real part of it came again, this time it was quarter black pepper chicken meal at Kenny Roger's Roasters, extra points (or extra fat) for macaroni and cheese and potato salad

Along said before we went home (i have already paid the parking ticket at the autopay machine at that time) "Have u tried the cheezy wedges at KFC yet? U should!" sambil menuju ke KFC.

Anda fikir, macam mana saya nak kurus??
Malam ni saja saya dah makan melebihi jumlah kalori yg disyorkan oleh pakar2 pemakanan di Kementerian Kesihatan.