Sunday, February 04, 2007

when sickness talks

Prof has mentioned that 1/3 of the class will get sick from the floating viruses from the infected kids in the hospital. I succumbed to it on the 4th day being in. Lembik nye aku nye immunity.

First the sore throat then the myalgia and the temperature. Green phlegm and everything. Today the enteritis started, everything kept down through the throat came out through the backpassage minutes later. Eating was merely just for the sake of avoiding dehydration and starvation, the nikmat is already gone from the anosmia.

Couldn't do much studies, I went out to watch tv. 30 minutes of My Super Sweet Sixteen made me wanna puke evenmore. Sudahla virus2 ni menggeletek perutku, tgk spoilt brats ni lagi terasa nak muntah hijau. I prevented myself to do so, tak baik membazir nasi dgn ayam sup yg baru mkn tadi. Not like I spent a 2000usd on a dress or anything. Heh.

Funny thing was I've been taking Anadin which is Paracetamol. I noticed my eyes went puffy each time I got up from the sleep after the pills. I found out that I am actually allergic to simple Anadin too. OK from now on it'll only be Paracetamol jenama Panadol and nothing else. Gile la mengada immune system aku ni. So I was actually getting worse in the midst of trying to get better. Makan ubat nak baik tapi last2 lagi teruk sbb allergic reaction. Twisted, even my immunity is putar alam jugak.

I don't know whether I'll pass the quality control to attend the classes tomorrow. Jumaat dah ponteng. Missing the kids, tho they were the ones who got me into this mess. I don't really care.

p/s: Thinking about the uncertain future stimulated my gag reflex evenmore..haduih..