Monday, February 19, 2007

what the future may behold (we actually don't know)

We chatted about the gruelling life as an intern at lunchtime. Funny that we used to avoid discussing about the final exams, the day when the result comes out or the hard life of an intern, not especially at lunchtime. OK maybe sometimes we bragged a bit about the graduation day but it won't be long until the next topic in line being opened up - internship, what else? Considering how close we are to the actual exam date it feels so surreal, we managed to swallow the future truth of our career, no matter how bitter it tasted in our mouths talking about it. A lot of "first day on-call" stories were told, and some other incidents that happened to the current intern friends that raised some red flags in our heads, what exactly are we getting ourselves into now?

My teacher used to say what his father told him, "There's only 2 jobs you should do; a doctor or a teacher. One of these 2 careers will make you a true giver."

He ended up being a teacher when his first account with real blood caused him to faint.

I have always wanted to do this, never a single doubt about it. I remember I was in Form 3 when my 2 mates and I decided that we will do medicine in college. One weekend we were hanging out in Bilik Kerjaya near the canteen which was opened for the visitors, there was this one pakcik came in and took a prospectus of one of the universities in Canada in his hands. We chatted with him and got to know that his son was at that time studying there. Being the pathetic and lame students from an all-girls school, we decided that we're gonna do medicine, in Canada! Though we knew all along that people from our country rarely got sent there to do medicine, but whatever, that nice uncle's son is in Canada was all that mattered! He he..

And not month after that I discovered about this college called RCSI and vowed myself to go there to fulfill my passions and dreams. God works in a very mysterious and meticulous way, alhamdulillah here I am now..

So I wonder in 5 months' time would these passions still burning on the nights when I'll be alone on the wards with my post-operative patient is heavily vomiting bloods and crashing down his life, or the times when I have to work for 48 hours non-stop, or when after giving a wrong dose of medication has caused the patient to go into coma; like they used to happen to the junior doctors starting off their careers, in the usual frightening way?

They said with great power comes great responsibilities. Hmm..

At the end of the conversations my friend ruined the builded tension by saying, "At that time can I just vomit my stomach contents out and then say in a Meredith kinda way - "You (paused) have got (paused) to be kidding me.." (in Meredith's raspy possum-like voice)

To end this, here's a clip from my favourite show with my favourite song and a useful quote at the end of it. To my fellow student doctors - we'll make our way through this inshaAllah!