Saturday, April 07, 2007

Such a lovely day Masha Allah!

Makes me wanna dump the books, go outside and enjoy the sun in my shades while eating the all-time-favourite Solero Exotic passionfruit & mango ice cream (now it's only 99Cal per pack!! heu heu). Too bad, I know I can't..

It's literally 8 days towards the day of the exam, literally I said, as that first 2 OSCE Communication Skills Stations in 8 days are said to be just a 2 all-you-gotta-do-is-be-nice-to-patients stations, verbatim from Prof Bukit (let's see whether somebody's gonna keep his promise or not). So figuratively it's 15 days more before the written papers commenced (oh you guys must be laughing at me for my lame tricks to buy myself some extra times, but it does work a bit anyway isn't it?)

On another note, I was pondering on how it's so amazing that people and things around you can give such a huge impact on your life. The sunshines on your window, the cat that came purring for milk, the favourite song on the radio, the thought of the loved ones, the nice sips of cafe-au-lait in your coffee cup, the favourite noodle cooked by the best housemate, the visit from the good friend; sometimes it's astonishing to realize these small things that usually bypass the day unacknowledged would brighten up your mood and spread your gratitudes towards Al-Khaliq, Allah SWT who's without His love you wouldn't be able to breathe the freshen air on this earth, what more to be able to feel what you're feeling now. It's hard to express it all in words, if I can pick a line from a song it'd be "Open up the dirty window, let the sun illuminate the words that you cannot find.. (Natasha Bedingfield)"

I am the person who's very much easily adorned by the positive energy projected by the people I meet. In my last revision class I was again left fully inspired by the great doctors and physicians whose wisdoms soared the spirits up and concreted my decision to be on this path; that this is what I want to do in life - to be inspired and later aspire people in return. Keeping this seems so subjective goal as one thing, I know another more important thing to keep in mind is that it's not just impressing the people that matters, coz the ultimate goal of a Muslim should be to seek Allah's compassions and love for life herein and hereafter.

As for the moment I'm thankful for all the great people I've met out there (whoever you are) who have managed to push my green buttons on the day our paths crossed. Thanks for brightening up my days and making me feel like life is so worth striving for~