Thursday, January 10, 2008

The problems with OLLH are..

1. They don't have proper heating, freaaking cold hospital!

2. The nurses are all local, the doctors are all 'immigrants' --> respect issues..

3. They don't have green butterfly needles, WE INTERNS USE GREEN BUTTERFLY NEEDLES, PLEASE! TQ V M!




Attach b) to a) with a special interlink connector. Draw bloods out once you've seen flashback of bloods.

Go to BH and smuggle out a box of green butterflies to OLLH, please do.

4. 85% of the surgical interns are carrying XX genes. Too much hormones going on. Can't take them. Overloaded. Seriously.

5. There's ONLY 2 telephones on each wing. 1 is for incoming calls only. Another 1 is for the nurses. That's the protocol. Doctors have to abide. The protocols. (Where the feck should we answer our bleeps?)

6. After being bleeped few times and you don't answer them, main telephone room will make an announcement to the whole hospital like this. "Dr ___, Dr ___, please call main telephone room now." Or "Dr ____ .. Dr ____ .. (then silence and never continue. What the..). Almost like the one in the supermarket for the missing kid.

7. For the reason we didn't answer our bleeps on time, please refer to no 5.

8. They just don't have good looking/hot stuff staffs here. It's ripping us slooooowlyyy by the day...

P.S - Still keeping the positivity.. (pulling my own hair out each day)